What's causing this weird webpage rendering?

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Hi Jordan :-)

I dunno. Being as I get it too, if you are meaning the dragged out lines of
the text, it seems likely to be a webpage problem. I have seen that kind of
thing on Webpages now and then before. If it was my IE, it would likely be
that way on many other sites as well.

My suggestion would be to contact the Webmaster for that site and tell them
what is happening. It may have to do with the loading of the page.

Perhaps someone here has a better idea, or maybe a fix for you.

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

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I'm the webmaster, in a manner of speaking. Both websites (FDLAC and FCEDC)
are my company's clients.

I need to know how to fix it. Is there an IE developer's forum (this one
might be too general)?

Jan Il said:
Hi Jordan :-)

I dunno. Being as I get it too, if you are meaning the dragged out lines of
the text, it seems likely to be a webpage problem. I have seen that kind of
thing on Webpages now and then before. If it was my IE, it would likely be
that way on many other sites as well.

My suggestion would be to contact the Webmaster for that site and tell them
what is happening. It may have to do with the loading of the page.

Perhaps someone here has a better idea, or maybe a fix for you.

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
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Bradford said:
Scroll the page down to see the fun weirdness.


What causes this? How do you fix it?
Try taking out the Flash scrolling "Welcome" bit top left and see if that
helps. Something is overloading the GDI, methinks.
FWIW... If I open the bottom (main) frame in it's own window, it looks fine.
You might experiment with the frame properties.

It also looks OK (except for some extra white space) in Firefox and Mozilla.

Do you have access to alt and comp newgroups through a NNTP newsreader such
as Outlook Express? I'd post this to
Google groups links:

Or try the HTML forum at http://www.aumha.net/

Hope this helps,
Jordan said:
I'm the webmaster, in a manner of speaking. Both websites (FDLAC and FCEDC)
are my company's clients.

I need to know how to fix it. Is there an IE developer's forum (this one
might be too general)?

You've got more problems than that. Your layout falls apart when the
user increases the font size by more than you expect.