Well, in Greenwich a Texan Oil Millionaire's son named Frank the Yank has slowly been buying up all the pubs round here
He hasn't got all of them yet though, some just won't sell out - hooray for loyal Brits
Whatever, Frank the bloody Yank is selling tickets for new year's eve that allow you into five of the most popular pubs in Greenwich - for fifteen quid
And all me mates have bought these damn tickets.
I just won't, I simply refuse, to pay this already stinking rich git £15.00 just to drink in one of his pubs. And one of them's a Gay pub - which don't bother me but it really is a bit of a crap pub to be honest.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr the Cutty Sark Pub is open and it's free to get in there and it's always full on New Year's Eve but not one of my mates is going there.
Damn, damn, damn
So, I'm going to stay in by myself - which, really, is a bit sad
I may wander into a nearby local pub or two to see what's going on but not sure yet.
To think, for the best part of thirty years I was always booked up to do a disco every new year's eve, which was usually a guaranteed good time, but now - nothing.
At those discos, at five to midnight, I'd plug a tuner into the mixer and play Capital Radio for fifteen minutes, they always played Auld Langs Syne and a good dance mix, for 15 minutes I'd take a rest, celebrate midnight, get snogged and take a drink.
Happy days