THere are a handfull of people out there that have up to and sometimes more
than 5 years commercial .NET experience.
The question is not, in this case, when it was released, but when you got
into the (sometimes non-public) beta program and when you started doing real
work with it.
I remember doing a prototype for an intranet site in C# before the public
knew that "C#" was a new programming language from Microsoft.
Thomas Tomiczek
THONA Software & Consulting Ltd.
(Microsoft MVP C#/.NET)
(CTO PowerNodes Ltd.)
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Brian said:
I have been going through resumes lately and have noticed many people
claiming that they have been developing in the .NET environment for 3+
years. I'm new to the .NET programming environment, but it doesn't seem
that it's been around much longer than 3 years. Can someone tell me when
the .NET programming environment was released (what's the longest a person
could actually claim that they have been programming in the .NET