Hi folks, can you help me ?
I have a virus-type problem which causes a pop-up box appears from time
to time.
This does not only happen when I'm online, or using a browser, it can
happen at any time on any screen while the computer is on, so I've
obviously taken something onboard.
The pop-up box claims to be a message conveyed by 'windows messenger'
(though it isn't since I uninstalled messenger),
It states that it is a -
'Message from SYTEM ALERT to (etc)
Microsoft Windows has encounted (sic) an Internal Error
Your windows registry is corrupted.
Microsoft recommends a complete system scan
Microsoft recommends
To repair now with a free download'
Obviously I realize this message is a load of crap to try and get me
even more infected, it's totally unconvincing and they can't even
spell 'encountered'.
Question is, does anyone know how I can clean this annoying pop-up
syndrome out of my system?
Thanks if you can help
I have a virus-type problem which causes a pop-up box appears from time
to time.
This does not only happen when I'm online, or using a browser, it can
happen at any time on any screen while the computer is on, so I've
obviously taken something onboard.
The pop-up box claims to be a message conveyed by 'windows messenger'
(though it isn't since I uninstalled messenger),
It states that it is a -
'Message from SYTEM ALERT to (etc)
Microsoft Windows has encounted (sic) an Internal Error
Your windows registry is corrupted.
Microsoft recommends a complete system scan
Microsoft recommends
To repair now with a free download'
Obviously I realize this message is a load of crap to try and get me
even more infected, it's totally unconvincing and they can't even
spell 'encountered'.
Question is, does anyone know how I can clean this annoying pop-up
syndrome out of my system?
Thanks if you can help