You wrote in thusly:
Even easier, you should be able to launch it from Start > Programs,
Well, yeah. But I thought the OP couldn't find it, so looking in
Add/Remove would show if it was installed, as well as which version.
And is Windows Media Enocder really required?
I have a feeling that its only installed because of some sort of
agreement between ATI and Microsoft - so you have their horrid WMV
format installed.
So what's wrong with being polite, Mark?
Nothing is wrong with being polite, Patrick. Consider this, would you
thank in advance the bridge toll taker before you get there in your car
or to the actual person handing you back your change? Should you yell
TIA to them? Would you not get your change if you don't yell TIA out
your car window a certain mileage from the bridge?
There is a certain amount of pretension in thanking nobody that has
helped you yet or maybe never will. It's an over used acronym that has
become meaningless. And, if thanks was really meant, would be spelled
out and used afterwards adding that special touch that you are actually
I wish more people were...
Same here.