I have a Radeon 64 DDR VIVO works fine for my needs.
I have 5 pc's in my house all connected via ethernet.
I'd like to be able to "stream" the tv out to the 4 other pc's when they
want it.
Thinking something that'd use direct ip to ip (running tcp-ip on ethernet)
would work.
Running Messenger or NetMeeting isn't an option as ATI doesn't work when
running 98SE (so no video to stream).
Ideas please
I have 5 pc's in my house all connected via ethernet.
I'd like to be able to "stream" the tv out to the 4 other pc's when they
want it.
Thinking something that'd use direct ip to ip (running tcp-ip on ethernet)
would work.
Running Messenger or NetMeeting isn't an option as ATI doesn't work when
running 98SE (so no video to stream).
Ideas please