I recently received a Christmas bonus and would like to upgrade ether my
Processor or my graphic card. I can't afford both so I have to choose. My
system now is:
Asus P4B 533
P4 2 Gig
512 DDR Ram
80 Gig Hardrive
Geforce 3 64
I play quite a few games as well as Graphic Apps. I'm thinking upgrading my
Processor to a P4 3.06 533 or Graphics card to a Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB
or a GeForce FX5900-LX 128MB.
I recently received a Christmas bonus and would like to upgrade ether my
Processor or my graphic card. I can't afford both so I have to choose. My
system now is:
Asus P4B 533
P4 2 Gig
512 DDR Ram
80 Gig Hardrive
Geforce 3 64
I play quite a few games as well as Graphic Apps. I'm thinking upgrading my
Processor to a P4 3.06 533 or Graphics card to a Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB
or a GeForce FX5900-LX 128MB.