what to do once you have exceeded (255) in the table

  • Thread starter Thread starter NCIL
  • Start date Start date


Once you have exceeded the table of 255 fields who can you add more
fields--such has I need to add some more committees--message came up "you
have exceeded"

I do not want to delete because it is connect to my reports
NCIL said:
Once you have exceeded the table of 255 fields who can you add more
fields--such has I need to add some more committees--message came up "you
have exceeded"

If you have a table with 255 fields, your table design is probably wrong.
Your mention of needing to add more fields because you need to "add more
committees" makes that pretty much a certainty. Whenever you find yourself
adding repeating fields to a table -- that is, multiple fields of the same
type, representing many "somethings" that belong to the current record --
you've gone wrong. Those "things", whatever they are, should instead be
represented by multiple records in a separate table that is related
many-to-one to the original table.

Without knowing more about your current table structure, I don't think
anyone can give more specific advice. Your statement,
I do not want to delete because it is connect to my reports

.... may represent a problem that also needs to be solved when you
restructure your tables. More information would be needed to address it.

For more information on this subject, search the web for "database
On Fri, 26 Sep 2008 13:50:05 -0700, NCIL

In addition to all the valid comments that Dirk made: Access IS NOT
Excel (but even in Excel 255 columns is the max :-)). If these
concepts are foreign to you, you would definitely want to hire a
competent developer to setup the database structure for you. Once that
is set, and if you are a quick study, you may be able to finish the
application yourself. "Microsoft Solution Provider" in your yellow
pages is a good place to start.

Microsoft Access MVP
Once you have exceeded the table of 255 fields who can you add more
fields--such has I need to add some more committees--message came up "you
have exceeded"

I do not want to delete because it is connect to my reports

Just to add to Dirk's and Tom's very valid comments: you need to restructure
your conceptual model. Here are some resources that might help:

Jeff Conrad's resources page:

The Access Web resources page:

A free tutorial written by Crystal (MS Access MVP):

MVP Allen Browne's tutorials:

Crystal's and Allen's tutorials are a very good start.