Andy G
I'm trying to get a flash drive working. It's an HP USB Digital drive, and
uses an SD card inserted into a carrier with a USB connector. This worked
absolutely fine on the machine it came with, a previous HP notebook running
I now have a new HP/Compaq 6720s notebook running Vista Home Basic, and
guess what, when I plug in the flash drive the PC searches all over the show
for a driver. It says it's found one, but encountered a problem while
trying to install it. The error message says "this operation needs an
interactive window station", which rates fairly high on the unhelpful
message scales. What do I do with that?
The annoying thing is these drives are just supposed to use a bog-standard
native driver, are they not?
Grateful for any help!
uses an SD card inserted into a carrier with a USB connector. This worked
absolutely fine on the machine it came with, a previous HP notebook running
I now have a new HP/Compaq 6720s notebook running Vista Home Basic, and
guess what, when I plug in the flash drive the PC searches all over the show
for a driver. It says it's found one, but encountered a problem while
trying to install it. The error message says "this operation needs an
interactive window station", which rates fairly high on the unhelpful
message scales. What do I do with that?
The annoying thing is these drives are just supposed to use a bog-standard
native driver, are they not?
Grateful for any help!