What the detail kinds of movie does PPT support well?

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I know that PPT supports a lot of movie file formats,but don't know
whatkind of movie ppt supports well. AVI for example,it was supported,but
most of them need decoder while it is played.Who could please help me?
Thanks ahead!
Hi an,

Yours is a common misconception. PowerPoint does not directly support ANY
movie format. Whenever PowerPoint comes across any movie file link (they
are very rarely ever embedded), PowerPoint simply hands the movie file off
to the operating system. In PowerPoint, it is the Operating system that
plays the movies. This is true for all existing versions of PowerPoint.

So, you want to find a movie format that is available on most or all of the
machines. Likewise, whatever format you decide on will need to use a common
codec that is also likely to be on all the machines.

Thanks,Bill. Maybe it is misunderstood. What I say is using,not a link,but
Insert/ Movies and Sounds/Movie from File to insert a movie. There are about
four categories of file.Someone else said that Windows Media files (.wmv)
and MPEG files (.mpeg, .mpg) are good options.I have tried it. It looks like
that .mpg(mpeg1) files works well,but not sure.
Insert => Movies and Sounds => Movies from Files creates a link to the file.

Yes it is the wrong wording, but it is how MS did it. Movies are not part
of the presentation, just a link to them. Therefore, it is dependent on the
computers that will be receiving the presentation and movie files. Yes,
since most of the computers will have Windows OS, MPEG or WMV are OK
formats. If you have a lot of Apple folks, you may want to consider MOV

In any case, keep it a simple format and try not to customize it. This will
increase the odds that it will play on the receiving computer.
