What sort of music you love to hear while it is raining?


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
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Any favourites? Memories? Just want to listen to a particular song because of the mood?

I enjoy listening to "Raindrops keep falling on my head". When this was released back in the late sixties/early seventies, I remember playing it during rainy season for years and it comes back to me when ever there is rainy season.

Lets hear what floats yer boat!

All time classic when outside is bleak and grey and wet...inside its upbeat melodic to the extreme ...Supertramp /Its raining again :thumb:
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Solus Na Madainn


But then, I usually put on several albums. :D
"Singing in the rain"Gene Kelly:) "The sun aint gonna shine anymore" Walker Brothers:D
itsme said:
"Singing in the rain"Gene Kelly:)

That is a very good choice indeed!:thumb: What a glorious feelings one can get listening to it ;)

some cracking tunes have been posted..maybe Quad can photo a cover then we will compile a CD and make a mint
'Rain' is my favourite Beatles song. Here's a Pearl Jam cover. And yes, it's been raining today. We finally have April showers. On the 1st of May.
