What should the internet be able to do?


Feb 23, 2002
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There are so many good websites out there that provide a really useful service, like google, friendsreunited, photobucket, etc... but is there anything that you think there should be a website or a service on?

I was thinking about this last night, and there seems to be a website for everything! :o

Perhaps something that can be used to create file communities - i.e a free storage place for a group of people to upload work to a secure place. Although I'm sure that exists already somewhere too!
Sexy Bex said:
It's like trying to think of a new colour ;)
Hit the nail on the head there ... :thumb:

You trying to drum up more members?
I'm just thinking of anything good which hasn't been done before :) I was thinking about it today after hearing that "myspace" is in the top 50 biggest sites on the net in just a couple of years - I didn't really know much about it!
"i.e a free storage place for a group of people to upload work to a secure place."

thats the idea behind webdav.