I am going to be buying a Western Digital Raptor 36 gig 10000 rpm 8meg cache
SATA hardrive for the sole purpose of having my PC games load faster and run
smoother. The only question i have is would it be better to install my OS on
this hardrive and have my games on my 120 gig IDE slower hardrive. Or would
it be better to have my OS on my 120 gig and use the WD fast hardrive ONLY
for games. Remember that I just want betetr quality in games. So im guessing
installing all the games on my new one is the best choice. Im looking for
opinions thnx
SATA hardrive for the sole purpose of having my PC games load faster and run
smoother. The only question i have is would it be better to install my OS on
this hardrive and have my games on my 120 gig IDE slower hardrive. Or would
it be better to have my OS on my 120 gig and use the WD fast hardrive ONLY
for games. Remember that I just want betetr quality in games. So im guessing
installing all the games on my new one is the best choice. Im looking for
opinions thnx