I have windows Xp, which as everyone knows, is hackers
paradise without its updates and a battery of other
security programes to go with it. I have installed Panda
AV/firewall and spybot. Is there any other useful
utililties that I can install to icrease the level of
security on my machine? I understand there is at least
one other utility which complements spybot in preventing
spyware from entering the system in the first place. Can
anyone tell me what it is and may be suggests other
programes? Thanks
paradise without its updates and a battery of other
security programes to go with it. I have installed Panda
AV/firewall and spybot. Is there any other useful
utililties that I can install to icrease the level of
security on my machine? I understand there is at least
one other utility which complements spybot in preventing
spyware from entering the system in the first place. Can
anyone tell me what it is and may be suggests other
programes? Thanks