what pasta sauce?

Feb 6, 2003
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just a quick one

what pasta sauce do you all use?

ive tried lots but Waitrose do a good range
what u all have?
I Don't buy any of the pasta sauces as they all contain lots of chemicals and nasty e numbers and they taste like glue...

I always make my own with 2 good quality tins of chopped tomatoes, a squidgen of tomato puree, 2 teaspoons of chopped mixed herbs, cut and slice about 12 large mushrooms and slice 2 large red onions, then add 2 cloves of garlic crushed of course and voil'a you have the perfect pasta sauce all homemade and no nasty chemicals....Should take you no more than 5 minutes to cut and prepare that lot, heat it up and simmer for 45 minutes then pour over freshly cooked pasta or spaghetti.....:D

Mmmm I have just made myself hungry after that....Hope that helps PSD..
interesting that
never really thought like that

but that recipe has made my MOUTH WATER


what herbs do u use?
and what tins of chopped tomatoes?
Any jar of mixed herbs from tesco or sainsburys and the Tomatoes I like to use are the best quality I can get at the time usually around 45p a can, the cheapie ones are around 25p a can...

Hope you enjoyed your Birthday....;)
Same here, the few times I've tried tinned pasta sauces I've ended up having to add a ton of my own ingredients to make it edible.
And of course you can vary it according to your mood for the evening.
if I'm doing a tomato based sauce I like to add tons of basil & oregano or marjoram if I've got no oregano. Rosemary is nice with tomato as well.
plus I'll add a bit of gravy powder (or if you're vegetarian then maize cornflour) to thicken it a bit.
Black pepper (fresh ground if possible) is good with tomato also.
after you've made a few you'll find your own preferences & you'll get a feel for what to add if you fancy something a bit more savoury, sweet or spicy.
Oh, one thing I found. A good quality dark soy sauce can add a real nice savoury touch to a pasta sauce if that's what you're fancying.
This can also be made with some frozen mixed veges in for a change in flavour (something with corn in is best)
Or (&) of course with mince (braise it after you've sauteed the onions & garlic)

Then, of course, there are the creamy, or cheese or fish based pasta sauces.
I don't tend to make them so often so you might get some better recipies from someone else but I have had some nice ones.
One I do like is very basic.
a finely sliced onion or two, lightly fried in butter/margarine
A tin of reduced cream or a ton of sour cream (again depending on your mood that night)
a pinch of salt (to taste),
a touch of mustard powder (dip in the tip of a sharp knife)
a heaped teaspoon or two (or three :rolleyes: ) of paprika (again to taste).
I like it with sliced button mushrooms in, but is good without also.
This one goes very well on it's own or with strips ofchicken or beef (chuck them in when you're doing the onion).
A sprinkle of chives on top after cooking adds a bit of colour & a nice bite.
This is a very mild sauce.
Myself I tend to use sour cream & add a good shaking of vinegar when I make it.
It's also nice with a chicken oxo cube added :nod:
&/or whater herbs you prefer.
But again, it depends of the mood of the day :)
I use Bertolli jars or Llyod Grossman, their probably both spelt wrong.

I eat pasta a couple of times a week, quite healthy.
:o Yes, thank you Chris I will eat my words,
The one brand of pre-prepared pasta sauce I have had that I liked was the Bertolli 'Five Brothers'.
They're expensive (over here anyway) so I only get them occasionally, but they are good :nod:
I still usually like to add a bit of basil (use basil from fresh or otherwise from a pesto by the way. Basil does not dry well)
But this is one brand of sauce that will stand on it's own if it has to :)
I like the loyd Grossman ones the best of the ready mades but I usually make my own.

Pasta sauce is something that has at least 1001 variations, it's good to experiment.
I also never buy pasta sauce home made is always better,one tip i can give you is try pureeing carrots and add that to your sauce,i know it sounds strange but it is something i picked up from an Italian recipe and it does work.
well interesting thanks for all your suggestions

i got a can of tomatoes here
but only herb i got is sage i think
will have to look for mixed herb jar in tescos