With DAO 3.6,
I open a form F that bound to table T. This form's RecordType property =
Dynaset, Record Locks = Edited Record. Form is opened without any editing.
Then in another unbound form, I execute
set RS = CurrentDB.OpenRecordSet("select * from T", dbOpenDynaset,
dbDenyWrite, dbPessimistics)
Access error with
3008: The table 'T' is already opened exclusively by another user, or it is
already open through the user interface and cannot be manipulated
My intention is to prevent other user/processes from modify (write and
delete) records in T. What should I use for 3'rd argument without above
error when F is open also.
I open a form F that bound to table T. This form's RecordType property =
Dynaset, Record Locks = Edited Record. Form is opened without any editing.
Then in another unbound form, I execute
set RS = CurrentDB.OpenRecordSet("select * from T", dbOpenDynaset,
dbDenyWrite, dbPessimistics)
Access error with
3008: The table 'T' is already opened exclusively by another user, or it is
already open through the user interface and cannot be manipulated
My intention is to prevent other user/processes from modify (write and
delete) records in T. What should I use for 3'rd argument without above
error when F is open also.