What no DVD palyer in Vista!!!

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FFS - just took a look at wife's old Vista pc (upgraded to new pc with 7)
to play a DVD and I'm expected to buy a codec for it!!! Not bloody f'ing
likely you MS cheap sob's.

Geez, came with burning and creating software but no actual player.

MPO is MS's products getting worse not better.
FFS - just took a look at wife's old Vista pc (upgraded to new pc
with 7) to play a DVD and I'm expected to buy a codec for it!!!
Not bloody f'ing likely you MS cheap sob's.

Geez, came with burning and creating software but no actual

1) There is a DVD "palyer" included with Vista. It's called "Windows
Media Player."

2) There are free codecs available. There's no need to buy one.
MPO is MS's products getting worse not better.

Metropolitan Planning Organization? More Potent Olives? Moronic Petty
Nil said:
1) There is a DVD "palyer" included with Vista. It's called "Windows
Media Player."

2) There are free codecs available. There's no need to buy one.

Then why is it not included except ...??? And Yes, easy matter to download
VLC or similar but in my humble experience the less software you have to
install in Windows the more stable the system is. Often once software is
installed you then later notice some anomaly but it's too late to fully undo
the changes. Especially installers that update or augment Windows components
and don't clean that crap up also.
Metropolitan Planning Organization? More Potent Olives? Moronic Petty

My Personal Opinion ... I've been a professional programmer for over 30
years now and one thing I was taught and experience confirmed is that
"Goto's..." are never needed as they create nothing but a spiders web of
logic that can't be followed by anyone including the original coder. When I
use Windows and see the design, that's all I see, a pile of Goto's. In other
words the basic premise/design itself is flawed.

I'm skeptical about that. I've never seen as version of Windows
without Windows Media Player. Even my copy of Windows 7 Starter
Edition, the cheapest, most basic version of Win7 includes it.

In any case, maybe there's a reason they call your version "Basic."
If it's missing a feature, it will say it right on the box. You
should know what you are buying.
Then why is it not included except ...???

You're bought an operating system. Any extra basic programs they
throw in are for your convenience only. You're free to use them or
not or find and use any of the many alternatives.

I also had to install an extra codec for AC3 sound on my XP and
Vista computers. It was not a problem, and I didn't waste any time
whining to a bunch of strangers about it. I just installed it and
went on with life.
And Yes, easy matter to download VLC or similar but in my humble
experience the less software you have to install in Windows the
more stable the system is.

VLC is not a system codec, you should know. It's a media player with
codecs included for its use only. I tried it out, but I didn't like
it much. I despise Windows Media Player, and I never use it. I
prefer Media Player Classic for video and Foobar2000 for audio.
Often once software is installed you then later notice some
anomaly but it's too late to fully undo the changes. Especially
installers that update or augment Windows components and don't
clean that crap up also.

Sounds like you're afraid to install any software other than what
came with the computer. If so, the lack of one certain codec will
likely be the least of your problems.

Of course, if you don't like the combination of bells and whistles
that Microsoft includes with their operating system, you're free to
go use someone else's operating system. Be sure to cross your
fingers and hope that THEY include every bell and whistle you could
hope for.
When I use Windows and see the design, that's all I see, a pile of
Goto's. In other words the basic premise/design itself is flawed.

What premise is that?
Nil said:
I'm skeptical about that. I've never seen as version of Windows
without Windows Media Player. Even my copy of Windows 7 Starter
Edition, the cheapest, most basic version of Win7 includes it.

The page
contains a comparison of the different Vista versions. According to
that page Media Player 11 is in *all* Vista versions: Basic, Home
Premium, Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate.
To answer all the replies.

Yes WMP is in Windows Vista Basic. However it does NOT include the DVD
player codec. When you try to play a dvd it instead provides a link where
you can purchase one of the various codecs, e.g. Cyberlink, Nero etc. for
approx $15. Experience has also taught me that if you install a product such
as Nero or PowerDVD "magicly" WMP then plays DVD's. I assume a codec gets
installed system wide.

And Yes I know VLC is not a codec per se but a completely functional app
with it's own internal means to decode the various formats.

And Yes I am leary of every piece of software I install on a system. I keep
one pc "open" in that regard, e.g. I don't care if I have to redo it when
something goes wrong. The others, experience has taught me what's "safe",
e.g. it installs properly without any seemingly conflicts.

And Yes, I'm adamate that there is a basic design flaw in Windows. Take for
example uninstall routine. It better be right after install or there's no
way the uninstall can properly determine what it can safely "restore" given
it has no way of knowing what other changes happened after it's install. How
often does the uninstall break something else because it reverts some "logic
chain" back to prior settings which leaves "logic flow" bypassing later
installs. Blimy as often as not you're left with a folder of some sort and
who knows how many files in the temp folder (or rather sometimes in both
"user"\temp and Windows\Temp.

I've felt this way since Windows 2!!!! And it ain't improved since.

And I also feel MS is no different than any other capitalistic company, e.g.
all the really care about is your money. It astounds me that so many
businesses rely on it.
Yes WMP is in Windows Vista Basic.

Then why did you start a thread to complain with a topic you knew was
However it does NOT include the DVD player codec.

So? You bought an operating system. It does not need to and cannot
possibly come with every little bell and whistle you can think of. If
you want the codec, you can buy a commercial one or use one of the
several good free ones. If you don't want to take advantage of the
solution, don't whine to us about it.
And Yes I am leary of every piece of software I install on a

OK, so don't install anything on the computer, if you're so fearful.
Have fun playing Solitaire, and write things with Notepad. Me, I think
I'll go watch a DVD!
And Yes, I'm adamate that there is a basic design flaw in Windows.
Take for example uninstall routine.

No, let's not. Go find somewhere else for your pointless rant. Come
back if you ever have another question and are willing to accept the
answer to it, rather than wasting everybody's time playing the 'Why
Don't You/Yes But' game.
To answer all the replies.

Yes WMP is in Windows Vista Basic. However it does NOT include the DVD
player codec. When you try to play a dvd it instead provides a link where
you can purchase one of the various codecs, e.g. Cyberlink, Nero etc. for
approx $15. Experience has also taught me that if you install a product such
as Nero or PowerDVD "magicly" WMP then plays DVD's. I assume a codec gets
installed system wide.

There are several VERY good FREE codec packages that include
the ability to play DVD files.