What kind of Windows XP do I have?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alma Guerrero Barrera
  • Start date Start date

Alma Guerrero Barrera

Dear sirs, I have Windows XP home edition and I wonder if
it is windows XP of 32 or 64 bits. It is important to
choose the software to protect my systems.
Thanks for the answer.
The website indicates you can determine your OS by doing a
START-RUN and then entering WINVER

When I did this, however, it told me I was running WinXP
at xxxxxxx service level, but not whether it was 32 or 64-
bit. I downloaded both patches and attempted the 64-bit
version first. It errored out. When I attempted the 32-
bit patch next it worked correctly. I assumed this meant
that the patch will fail if you attempt to use the wrong
You have 32 bit Windows XP.
Also 64 bit is available for Windows XP Pro not Windows XP Home.

Also use the automobile test. (junkers don't count)
Did your computer with Windows XP cost more or less than your
If your computer cost less, you have 32 bit.
If your computer cost more, you have 64bit.

Windows XP 64 bit with the required 64bit Intel Itanium processor is
much more expensive than any home computer.

Also see:
Line 258 Right column "Do you have a 32 or 64..."