Aagghhh!! What a relief! Thanks.
The reason I didn't consult Help, which I suppose I should have, is
because these days, it is an opaque, non-functional thing of absolute
frustration for me.
I'll submit this in a different thread, but, for briefly: If I press
F1, a window comes up. At the top of that window are completely
useless, NON-help items like "What's New", "Find Additional Products",
Further down is the caption "Help Topics". But, I mean, there are only
6 help topics there! I don't understand how Microflot considers that
to be Help.
Thanks also to Doug.
(Of course, Alt-TAB only works if you have activated the option that
puts an icon for every open document on the context-switching Alt-TAB
bar. I don't use that option myself. It can be, altho' not always,
impractical. If you have dozens of open documents (or Excel
worksheets), forget it. Alt-TABbing to ANY open application then
becomes a nightmare.)
Thanks again.