RemoveHandler MyBase.DocumentCompleted, AddressOf Me.myDocumentCompleted
Warning 27 The 'AddressOf' expression has no effect in this context because
the method argument to 'AddressOf' requires a relaxed conversion to the
delegate type of the event. Assign the 'AddressOf' expression to a variable,
and use the variable to add or remove the method as the handler.
D:\_doc\Fce\My Documents\Visual Studio
2008\Projects\webCtlExtended\webCtlExtended\webCtlExt.vb 68 49
when I tried
RemoveHandler MyBase.DocumentCompleted, Me.myDocumentCompleted
I get "Expression does not produce a value." with myDocumentCompleted being
I tried also
Sub RemoveEvtHandler(ByVal e As EventHandler)
RemoveHandler MyBase.DocumentCompleted, e
End Sub
I get error complaining the "removeEvtHandler(myDocumentCompleted)"
Error 27 Expression does not produce a value. D:\_doc\Fce\My
Documents\Visual Studio
2008\Projects\webCtlExtended\webCtlExtended\webCtlExt.vb 68 26
Error 27 Expression does not produce a value. D:\_doc\Fce\My
Documents\Visual Studio
2008\Projects\webCtlExtended\webCtlExtended\webCtlExt.vb 68 26
your help is much appreciated
Warning 27 The 'AddressOf' expression has no effect in this context because
the method argument to 'AddressOf' requires a relaxed conversion to the
delegate type of the event. Assign the 'AddressOf' expression to a variable,
and use the variable to add or remove the method as the handler.
D:\_doc\Fce\My Documents\Visual Studio
2008\Projects\webCtlExtended\webCtlExtended\webCtlExt.vb 68 49
when I tried
RemoveHandler MyBase.DocumentCompleted, Me.myDocumentCompleted
I get "Expression does not produce a value." with myDocumentCompleted being
I tried also
Sub RemoveEvtHandler(ByVal e As EventHandler)
RemoveHandler MyBase.DocumentCompleted, e
End Sub
I get error complaining the "removeEvtHandler(myDocumentCompleted)"
Error 27 Expression does not produce a value. D:\_doc\Fce\My
Documents\Visual Studio
2008\Projects\webCtlExtended\webCtlExtended\webCtlExt.vb 68 26
Error 27 Expression does not produce a value. D:\_doc\Fce\My
Documents\Visual Studio
2008\Projects\webCtlExtended\webCtlExtended\webCtlExt.vb 68 26
your help is much appreciated