All tables in a BackEnd DB in "E:\MyDataBase\DepotDB.mdb" are available to
my program,but when i want to inner join to one of them,an error occures.The
SQL property of the query that when i open this error ocures (error in from
clause),is so:
Select Table1.*,Table2.dNu from Table1 inner join Table2 in
'E:\MyDatabase\DepotDB.mdb' on Table1.did=Table2.Code
Seems that using a foreign DB in join clause causes this error.What is wrong
here and how i can join to a table in another DB,rather than importing or
linking to it?
Thank you in advance for your help.
All tables in a BackEnd DB in "E:\MyDataBase\DepotDB.mdb" are available to
my program,but when i want to inner join to one of them,an error occures.The
SQL property of the query that when i open this error ocures (error in from
clause),is so:
Select Table1.*,Table2.dNu from Table1 inner join Table2 in
'E:\MyDatabase\DepotDB.mdb' on Table1.did=Table2.Code
Seems that using a foreign DB in join clause causes this error.What is wrong
here and how i can join to a table in another DB,rather than importing or
linking to it?
Thank you in advance for your help.