What is wrong with Norton?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill P
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Bill P

I see lots of posts advising people not to install Norton products. Would
someone please explain what the problem is and not just complain that it is
a "resource hog".
Regards Bill
What could be worse than a resource hog that slows your machine to a crawl?
That's why I dropped it quite some time ago.

Not to mention the much-to-be-desired catch rate on viruses.

: Hi
: I see lots of posts advising people not to install Norton products. Would
: someone please explain what the problem is and not just complain that it
: a "resource hog".
: Regards Bill
What version do you have? I understand that the latest version is much
better behaved with regard to reosurces. Still, I would prefer using a
freebie that performs just as well or better. Also, I'm pretty sure that
Norton interferes with System Restore.

FWIW, "recommended by some reviewers" does not sound so impressive,
especially considering that many work for publications that collect
substantial ad revenue from Symantec!

But if you like it and you don't mind paying for it and it does its job,

Bill P said:
Doesn't noticeably slow my machine down.
It is also recommended by some reviewers.

Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
What could be worse than a resource hog that slows your machine to a
That's why I dropped it quite some time ago.

Not to mention the much-to-be-desired catch rate on viruses.

: Hi
: I see lots of posts advising people not to install Norton products.
: someone please explain what the problem is and not just complain
that it
: a "resource hog".
: Regards Bill

What is your RAM and what is your CPU? What particular version of Norton
do you have?


Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
Bill said:
Doesn't noticeably slow my machine down.
It is also recommended by some reviewers.

Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
What could be worse than a resource hog that slows your machine to a
That's why I dropped it quite some time ago.

Not to mention the much-to-be-desired catch rate on viruses.

Bill P said:
I see lots of posts advising people not to install Norton products.
Would someone please explain what the problem is and not just
complain that it is a "resource hog".
Regards Bill
I used Symantec's Norton Anti Virus (NAV)
for more years than I can count. I have several
computers and the one I'm using now is my general
purpose PC. It now long in the tooth being only a
933Mhz P3 with 512MB ram and XP Pro. It's a
Dell 4100.

All version NAV from 2008 and earlier never had
any problems with the software slowing down this PC.
However this year I made the mistake of moving from
NAV to NIS 2009.

NIS runs fine on my "Test PC" that I use to develop
articles for my web site. But on the Dell 4100 the firewall
is far too aggressive (Norton calls it "Smart Firewall") but
in the process on learning your applications it ranges from
making some apps (Like Firefox) unable to connect to the
Internet to apps locking up or just plain slow.

I did use Zone Alarm in combination with NAV 2008
but ZA and NIS and or NAV 2009 are incompatible.

Comodo and NIS 2009 work well together as long as
you completely disable Norton's Smart Firewall. Keep in
mind that Comodo has a learning curve also but it's much
easier to deal with.

As far a protection from viruses no AV product is perfect
as the creators of these nasties get the first shot and until
the virus show up on the radar screen the AV software
vendors can't develop any detection and cure response.

And yes I have tried other products over the years and I
also don't use just Norton's NIS on this PC. For instance
last year when I has NAV 2008 installed I had a modified HOST
file, Sunbelt Software "Counter Spy", Ad Aware,
Spy Bot's "Search and Destroy" and other measures all running
on a 933MHz PC without any issues.
Bill P said:
I see lots of posts advising people not to install Norton products. Would
someone please explain what the problem is and not just complain that it
is a "resource hog".
Regards Bill

I keep tripping over machines that have problems caused by Norton products.
Yesterday I had one where the Norton uninstall routine refused to continue
unless I gave it its install CD, which, of course, the client had discarded.
This required a lot of registry hacking to really clean out all traces of
the various Norton utilities. Peter Norton had some excellent ideas in the
old DOS days but I now get the impression that the company excels in ramming
its products down as many throats as possible, by having it pre-installed on
new PCs.
I have been trying Norton products on and off for years. I've never liked
them. Besides slowing my system down I've found their software to always
cause me troubles.

On my Girlfriend's computer it would always have a ccapp.exe error when
shutting down. An update was supposed to fix this, but the software didn't
always open and when it did the graphics were messed up. I formatted and
reinstalled Windows eventually, reinstalled Norton and still got the
ccapp.exe error.

I'm using other solutions for free now and am much happier. System runs much
better and I have no issues with certain programs connecting to the net
Norton much like McAfee are resource hogs and take over you computer and
sometimes do not even let you use it. I don't like them for they exibit much
the same characteristics that virus/malware programs do. They happer your
system, bog it down then hassle you to purchase it. Sometimes you can't even
tell them not to bother you anymore for they still will. Just try to get
them off your machine, YOU CAN'T without a special tool. Hmmm, that what I
do to get rid of virus/malware on my customers machines...

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the problem is that people
are willing to pay money
for it instead of trading a
basket of rotten oranges
for it.

sort of like people paying
to watch tv commercials
when they subscribe to

sort of like rinsing your
mouth with poison to
kill germs.

not sure which is better
to have, infamous antivirals
from companies with piss
poor customer support
or a virus?

at least a virus is free and
can be removed.


DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces
Missing System Restore
Duplicate emails
Emails wont send
Resource hog
Impossible to remove fully and COMPLETELY without a reformat of system

Not enough then there is more

Long time ago when Peter Norton was at the helm it was a fairly nice suite. Since
Symantec got a hold of it has been trouble all the way
Hi Gerry
2Gb ram.
3.4 GHz Pentium 4
2x200GB HD

Gerry said:

What is your RAM and what is your CPU? What particular version of Norton
do you have?


Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
Bill said:
Doesn't noticeably slow my machine down.
It is also recommended by some reviewers.

Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
What could be worse than a resource hog that slows your machine to a
That's why I dropped it quite some time ago.

Not to mention the much-to-be-desired catch rate on viruses.

I see lots of posts advising people not to install Norton products.
Would someone please explain what the problem is and not just
complain that it is a "resource hog".
Regards Bill
NIS 2005

Gerry said:

What is your RAM and what is your CPU? What particular version of Norton
do you have?


Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
Bill said:
Doesn't noticeably slow my machine down.
It is also recommended by some reviewers.

Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
What could be worse than a resource hog that slows your machine to a
That's why I dropped it quite some time ago.

Not to mention the much-to-be-desired catch rate on viruses.

I see lots of posts advising people not to install Norton products.
Would someone please explain what the problem is and not just
complain that it is a "resource hog".
Regards Bill
If it is a resource hog it doesn't seem to have any effect on my machine.
Never had any problems related to Norton as far as I know.
Not very constructive.

db ´¯`·.. > said:
the problem is that people
are willing to pay money
for it instead of trading a
basket of rotten oranges
for it.

sort of like people paying
to watch tv commercials
when they subscribe to

sort of like rinsing your
mouth with poison to
kill germs.

not sure which is better
to have, infamous antivirals
from companies with piss
poor customer support
or a virus?

at least a virus is free and
can be removed.


DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces

Norton 360?

Of course you have money to burn. Paying £50 + for something you can
get for nothing


Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
Steve Pearce said:
Around 2004/2005 they were pretty bad, however versions since then
have got noticebly better, NIS 2008 and 2009 run just fine on the
laptops in my household. The problem is the Norton bigots closed their
minds years ago and are spouting outdated information.

I agree. I have NIS 2009, and it now only uses one service
and three processes. The total memory footprint is about
10MB. On OS startup NIS 2009 loads very quickly, and
updates are now very fast. The average takes about 10
seconds. As far as AV performance goes, NAV has been
one of the top detection performers at avcomparatives.