What is "VistaT" Ultimate Full Version?



I received an email confirmation for my online purchase of the retail MS
Windows Vista Ultimate. The description of the product follows:

1 Microsoft Windows VistaT Ultimate Full Version

I Googled "VistaT" and found references to a "VistaT logo" program. Another
hit on a forum member query asking the same question got no suggestions
except the possibility that it was a typo.

Before I get upset over the phone asking for an explanation - can anyone
calm my nerves and explain? I know there is a Vista N version for business.

Is VistaT something I do not want and did not order?

Thanks - Blithe


I believe it is a typo. However, it could be a fake email, so if it asks you
for anything dont send it.


Blithe said:
I received an email confirmation for my online purchase of the retail MS
Windows Vista Ultimate. The description of the product follows:

1 Microsoft Windows VistaT Ultimate Full Version

I Googled "VistaT" and found references to a "VistaT logo" program. Another
hit on a forum member query asking the same question got no suggestions
except the possibility that it was a typo.

Before I get upset over the phone asking for an explanation - can anyone
calm my nerves and explain? I know there is a Vista N version for business.

Is VistaT something I do not want and did not order?

Thanks - Blithe

maybe this ?



Hi Blithe.

While I agree with the typo theory, I also submit that it is an attempt at
the trademark logo following Vista.

Trademark Usage
Windows Vista is a trademark. The official product name includes the
trademark symbol (â„¢) as shown here:

Windows Vistaâ„¢


I don't mean to be rude, but these forums are loaded with a lot of opinions
(including mine) that may or may not be relevant. Wouldn't it be prudent to
call the vendor? If a mistake was made with an on-line purchase you may have
limited time to recover.


Hi Blithe,

If you open a command prompt and enter 'Systeminfo' and press 'Enter', then
you will see this description. For example, my system is the Home Premium
edition and it is described by this command as follows.

OS Name: Microsoft® Windows VistaT Home Premium

The 'T' after Vista could be a shorthand for TM (TradeMark).

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