Chris Bailey said:
I keep getting the message IRQL_NOT_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TOO,
when booting up from a CD. I even dont get to reading the
That STOP error is usually caused by a problem with hardware or drivers. The
fact that you get it before the XP Setup has even loaded suggests the
-Take out ALL non-essential hardware from your system - soundcard, network
card, etc. Strip it down to just the essentials (MB, CPU, RAM, HDD and CD,
Keyboard) and see if it works. If so, progressively add bits back to the
system until you find the culprit.
-If you have two sticks of memory, try using just one of them at a time. The
865 chipset will run quite happily (albeit slower) with just one DIMM. One
of your modules may be faulty.
-Check your BIOS settings, to make sure everything is correct. If you're
overclocking anything, reset it back to defaults.
-Check that the CPU heatsink is correctly installed, and that the fan is
turning correctly, to rule out overheating.
-Check the CPU FSB / core settings in the BIOS. The FSB speed should be
200/800 depending on whether your BIOS quotes the signal speed or the
effective datarate speed; and if used by your BIOS, the FSB:Core multiplier
should be x15.
-Ensure that the 2x2 ATX12v connector on your PSU is correctly fitted to the
2x2 socket on the motherboard, usually near the processor socket.
New Hardware built by myself, P4 3GHz HT, 865 Northbridge
chipset, 512 Mb RAM Geforce 4 TI.
I hope this helps..?