What is this WIN XPE about ?

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Dear all,

I just hear about this Win XPe and would like to know extactly what is the
pupose of it.
Is is dedicated to embeded system manufacturer like device such as Pocket PC
or something like that ?

What are the sample application where we could use this ?
Could it be use to recover a normal system which was runing XP
professionnal ?

Thnaks for your details
Note that I have read some article on that topics but not so lear for me

Hi Serge

XP-Embedded is a "lego"-version of XP-Professional.
There are the same binaries behind. There is also the full
API32 set available, thus all applications and drivers
from XP Prof. will work on a XP Embedded Image.

It has nothing to do with Windows CE or PocketPC.
You can simply put your own XP Image together with
a tool called Target Desugner.
I.e. there are 9000 device drivers available, but you need only
the drivers for your HW. Maybee 100-200 pcs. So you will save
a lot of storage place, aka footprint.

Also some nice embedded features are implemented like
the EWF (Read-only filter for a partition, also system partition).

An other (big) advantage from XPe over XP-Prof is
the easy licensing model and the cheaper price...!
..... aaaand last but not least: NO ACTIVATION!!!!


Sample application are all the applications, running XP Prof
in the industrial market. Some Samples:

- Rhode&Schwarz Measurement Devices
- Philips Medical
- Kuka Roboters
- Bally Gaming
- Wyse Thin Client

Some vertical markets:

- POS systems
- Industrial automation
- Measurement devices
- Gaming machines
- Imaging / Printing devices
- .....


Martin Grossen, eMVP

Franchise Manager Microsoft Embedded Europe

Your competent partner for Microsoft Embedded licencing

Thnaks for your reply

But where that version is store ? Embeded for me is like flashed somewhere
in eprom or other device correct?

How to build that embeded version ? do we by somewhere a ready embeded
version of XP or to we build it from an XP pro version ?
Hi Serge

XP-E can be stored on a normal HD as well
as on a Flash Disk. (CF, IDE-Flash, DiskOnChip,....)

I f you want to use a FlashDisk, XP-E is providing you the
necessary Tool like Write Filter (Read-only system),
no pagefile, a.s.o....

Footprint is variing between 80 MB and 500 MB
(Minimal System / XP-Pro like System)

so, no chance to use a EPROM....

To build a version of xp-embedded, you need a development tool
called Target Designer. there, you can select out of 11'000
modules and put your own imagers together.

You have to buy the full version of Target Designer for 995 USD.
There is also a 120day evaluation version available for free (from
disributor or download version) .

Here's the link to more infos and download:



Martin Grossen, eMVP

Franchise Manager Microsoft Embedded Europe

Your competent partner for Microsoft Embedded licencing

Thnaks Martin

In my case I have setup a standard ghost image for all system we deliver to
our customers. In that way those systems will be installed in a similar way
and will be all the same. IN ordert o protect some area of our installation
we setup some local policy rules based on not adding extra hardware or
something like that.

Problem today is that we can easily find on the net tools whcih reset
administrator password for instance and then yuour security is over.

Does that image build with Target Designer could help on doing a read only
image whre password cannot be hacked or something like that ?

Hello Serge

To deploy the image, you can use ghost as well for
XP Embedded. Also the policies can be used.

But yes, most secure way is to use the EWF filter
(enhanced write filter) to secure a system.
With the EWF, you can protect your system partition
against write cycles.
So the XP-Embedded system is read-only.

You can use search "EWF" on the Embedded Website for
detailed infs.



Martin Grossen, eMVP

Franchise Manager Microsoft Embedded Europe

Your competent partner for Microsoft Embedded licencing
