What is this program in the taskbar?


Mr. Whonker

I'm using Windows Home XP. As the system is booting up, an unlabeled window
header flashes briefly on the screen, and an unidentified program shows up
the taskbar. I would like to show you the actual tab, but unfortunately
newsgroup won't allow attachments. The taskbar tab has an unlabeled
eight-sided icon that has an image inside that may be a printer symbol.
When I right click the taskbar entry, I can neither restore the window or
view its properties. I have scanned the computer with AVG 8.0
and with ThreatFire, and neither program identify this as a threat.

How do I ID this program and get rid of it?

Bruce Chambers

Mr. Whonker said:
I'm using Windows Home XP. As the system is booting up, an unlabeled
header flashes briefly on the screen, and an unidentified program shows
up in
the taskbar. I would like to show you the actual tab, but unfortunately
newsgroup won't allow attachments. The taskbar tab has an unlabeled
eight-sided icon that has an image inside that may be a printer symbol.
When I right click the taskbar entry, I can neither restore the window
or view its properties. I have scanned the computer with AVG 8.0
and with ThreatFire, and neither program identify this as a threat.

How do I ID this program and get rid of it?

1) Use Msconfig to determine what applications are starting with the
computer, and use the process of elimination.

How to Troubleshoot By Using the Msconfig Utility in Windows XP

2) Use the Task Manager to find unfamiliar processes and examine the
properties of the executables.


Bruce Chambers

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