In Saucy Lemon <
[email protected]> had this to say:
My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
Galen said:
In Joel <
[email protected]> had this to say:
My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
I did this before but forgot to write it down. You can hit Windows
key + R and then type in something like defrag.svc to go
immediately to the defrag screen. What is the exact line?
Hmm... Unless you mean diskmgmt.msc perhaps?
That's Disk Management, not the Defragmenter.
Windows's Disk Management:
Window's Defragmenter:
Commandline Defragment program [works with "arguments" and
"switches"]: defrag
After reading the above answers I was no longer certain which one they
wanted and figured they could at least access degrag from there.
Someone, you namely, having already mentioned the snap-in I figured
it'd be good to offer them all the answers they could possibly want.
(Which is why it was threaded under the OP and not under your
response as your response was perfectly valid.) (Or at least it
should be threaded under the OP's question and is here... No
accounting for how it might show up on your PC.)