What is the recommendet way to read/write a user defined Field (Named Property) in the MailItem Obje

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael Schmitz
  • Start date Start date

Michael Schmitz

Hello NG,

I am very new to Outlook2007 and VSTO (Visual Studio 2008)

in a mail i have a user defined Named Property "UID"

the DASL is
(I used outlookspy to get this)

At the moment I'am looping through all ItemProperties and search for
a Property with the Name "UID" to read/write to that property.

Is their a better way to directly access such a user defined property?

maybe something like: string foo = (string) mail.Properties["UID"]; ?
I've read something about the Outlook.PropertyAccessor, but I'am not
aure if this is the normal way to read/write a user defiened field.

below is a snippet of a csharp code I'am using at the moment.
private void On_btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Outlook.MailItem mail;
Outlook.ItemProperties properties;


if (this.OutlookItem is Outlook.MailItem)
mail = (Outlook.MailItem)this.OutlookItem;
properties = mail.ItemProperties;

// aender den Betreff wie gewuenscht ab
mail.Subject = this._txt1.Text;

// suche das UID Propertie!
foreach (Outlook.ItemProperty xProperty in properties)
if (xProperty.Name == "UID")
xProperty.Value = this._txt2.Text;

mail = null;
properties = null;