1. How much RAM do you have in your PC? XP really needs at least 512MB of RAM to work efficiently, especially in Desktops.
2. Make sure that you check the PC or hardware manufacturers website for XP driver upgrades that you might need. Especially for printers, and other older hardware. Some are not compatible with XP.
3. Run some type of Adware/Spyware program, especially if you have yet to installed the XP SP2 update. Such as Ad-Aware or Spybot.
4. Upgrade to XP SP2, and update any MS Office programs that you have. You may need to reconfigure your browser and mail program's settings. You may want to check other software vendors, and see if they have any updates for their software, for XP.
5. If you have some type security suite such as Norton or McAffee, you will need to make sure that you get the XP upgrades for them, especially after you install XP SP2. Make sure that you read the instructions for configuring these programs. They can cause problems with browsers and email programs after the XP SP2 update, if not properly updated or configured.
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Just upgraded from Windows 2000 to Windows XP. Now I have to click my browser
several times to get it to go to websites and it takes longer to open
programs, @ word, outloo. Also outlook doesnt send emails out