What is the optimun performance level (%) for disk usage and memor

  • Thread starter Thread starter Colombia11
  • Start date Start date


Dear experts,

I'm trying to find out what is the optimum performance level (%) for disk
usage on a critical server, and What’s bad performance. same with memory. I
have a windows server which is my file/print/dc. this is my main company's
server, so far the monitoring reports are telling me that the disk space
usage is over 80% and memory usage over 40%.

I need to know what is the optimun performance level for a critical server.
I'm also looking for any references or articles about this matter.

Have you asked in a Windows Server newsgroup? This is Windows XP.
: Dear experts,
: I'm trying to find out what is the optimum performance level (%) for disk
: usage on a critical server, and What's bad performance. same with
memory. I
: have a windows server which is my file/print/dc. this is my main company's
: server, so far the monitoring reports are telling me that the disk space
: usage is over 80% and memory usage over 40%.
: I need to know what is the optimun performance level for a critical
: I'm also looking for any references or articles about this matter.
: Thanks
Colombia11 said:
I'm trying to find out what is the optimum performance level (%)
for disk usage on a critical server, and What's bad performance.
same with memory. I have a windows server which is my
file/print/dc. this is my main company's server, so far the
monitoring reports are telling me that the disk space usage is over
80% and memory usage over 40%.

I need to know what is the optimun performance level for a critical
server. I'm also looking for any references or articles about this

Pretty general questions.

There is no general answer, to speak of. No reliable one anyway.

Keep at least 15% free space on your system drive. If you are not using all
of your memory (even at peak) then you have enough. If your processor is
stauying at 85% or below maximum usage - you aren't using all of it either.

In other words - if you aren't using 100% of something - you are running
okay. It's when you start using everything you have that you know you don't
have enough anymore.
Dear  experts,

I'm trying to find out what is  the optimum performance level (%) for disk
usage on a critical server, and  What’s bad performance.  same withmemory. I
have a windows server which is my file/print/dc. this is my main company's
server, so far the monitoring reports are telling me that the disk space
usage is over 80% and memory usage over 40%.

I need to know what is the optimun performance level for a critical server.
I'm also looking for any references or articles about this matter.
