What is the OLK9C folder??

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In outlook, if you open an attached document in an e-mail directly
from outlook to do some editing, and then save it, Word says the
document is locked. So, I do a save as, change the name a bit, and go
to save it...but it is in folder in Documents and Settings under the
temporary internet files called OLK9C.

Since I have enabled viewing hidden and system files, why can't I find
this subdirectory and document? The reason for even looking is that
the system crashed...this was not my computer nor my document and I
don't edit directly out of an attached file.... and I need to recover
the document directly from this saved copy...whereever it may be...or
my wife will be a bear to live with.

Any help is appreciated.

In outlook, if you open an attached document in an e-mail directly
from outlook to do some editing, and then save it, Word says the
document is locked. So, I do a save as, change the name a bit, and go
to save it...but it is in folder in Documents and Settings under the
temporary internet files called OLK9C.

Correct. Never edit attachment in the message itself.
Since I have enabled viewing hidden and system files, why can't I find
this subdirectory and document?

The Temporary Internet Folders folder is treated differently than other
folders by Windows Explorer. You can see its real structure, though,
through other means. Click Start>Run. In the Open field, enter %temp% and
click OK and an Explorer window will open. If the Folders pane does not
appear at the left, click the Fodlers icon in the toolbar. You should see
"Temp" on the left in the folder list and it should be highlighted (possibly
with gray). Use the slide bar between the panes to scroll down and you
should see Temporary Internet Folders and there should be a plus sign to its
left which you should be able to click to expland the folders beneath it.
One of those should start with OLK. If you click on that folder, you should
see the file you edited. Drag it elsewhere. You may also want to read
Outlook has its own Temporary Folder that is used to store files you open
directly from email. By the way, this is a bad practice for a number of
reasons, but I won't go into all the details here. Suffice it to say, if
you want to edit an attachment you received via email, save it first
(e.g. -- to your Desktop) and then open it from that location instead.

Now, as for how you view this temporary folder. The location of this folder
is stored in the registry ...

Click Start > Run
Type regedit
Hit Enter
Navigate to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\<10.0 | 11.00>\Outlook\Security
Find the Entry Named "OutlookSecureTempFolder"
Double-click OutlookSecureTempFolder to view the value.
Select the value
Hit CTRL+C (copy)
Click Start > Run
Hit CTRL+V (to paste the value you copied above)
Hit Enter.

Your Outlook Temp Folder should now be open in Windows Explorer.

One other detail about this folder ... the maximum number of files this
folder will hold is 99. When you try to write file 100, you will get an
error or some other strange behavior.

In our environment, we actually have a cleanup script (written in Kixtart)
to proactively clean this folder out.

And, lo, there it was!!! Didn't seem to be a registry location,
though. Good to know...didn't really understand the way Outlook really


Unfortunately, no Security for Outlook in the Registry.

The location of the Outlook Secure Temp Folder is in the registry. Perhaps
you simply didn't look in the correct place.