What is the maximum limit for diskless image? Is it half of my RAM?
The basic guideline is to for remote boot images is to have twice the
RAM of the SDI file.
Sean Liming
www.sjjmicro.com / www.seanliming.com
Book Author - XP Embedded Advanced, XP Embedded Supplemental Toolkit
Well, I am going to try to remove system cloning tool. I have the ram1. Did you include the RAM Driver component?
2. Try starting simpler to prove that the system works, don't do System
Sean Liming
www.sjjmicro.com / www.seanliming.com
Book Author - XP Embedded Advanced, XP Embedded Supplemental Toolkit
Well, thank you. Do I have a way to use ram disk driver in order toThe maximun size of a SDI image is 500meg. Even if you woudl have 8gig
of ram, the limit is still 500meg.
100% sure on that, no version will allow you to have a image bigger
then 500meg.