Hi, I am designing a chart that enables me to in one columm have a dollor
value and next columm have a percentage in it to give a total in the third
columm. The formula i use is =sum(b7*c7). When i press enter it reads in the
third columm
*VALUE!. I drag this all down the row so that the formula is
duplicated down the row , I then enter a formula in the last row to get a
subtotal =sumb7:b33. But it will not add, Can you please give me the formula
so it will add all the values. Thanks
value and next columm have a percentage in it to give a total in the third
columm. The formula i use is =sum(b7*c7). When i press enter it reads in the
third columm
*VALUE!. I drag this all down the row so that the formula is
duplicated down the row , I then enter a formula in the last row to get a
subtotal =sumb7:b33. But it will not add, Can you please give me the formula
so it will add all the values. Thanks