Thanks Spajky, I found a solid state HDD ( but it
doesn't say what the throughput is. Any idea?
around 8Mb/s, normal latest big 7,2kRpm HDs have around 10MB/s (WD
Raptors76 10kRpm around 14Mb/s) so it is slower in sustained data
transfer; But for seaking files is 10x faster !!! (no meccanical
parts!) - thats why so expensive! The second one down there is much
faster, because of 16Mb fast cache Ram built it !!! (also bigger &
even more expensive, but if money is not a problem ....)
I guess the limit would be
the bus of my mobo!
IMHO not!
& another thing to take care: for these Solid state disks to put them
on a regular MoBo, you need an adapter (laptop2regular) IDE interface
(different pin count!)
But I'm puzzled because I also found another one
( with a 20MBps throughput !? I guess
they forgot a zero.
no, they did not, it is sustained data /BIG files/ transfer !!! (not
peak bandwith which almost never occurs! in real life ). That is as
fast as 15kRpm SCSI drive or WD Raptor76 in Raid0-but with files seek
times few times shorter-a real beast! & if no problems with money to
"throw away"

, GET IT !

(I do not know if supports DMA, ask
them, because results with it are much better-less impact/hogging on
CPU performance! same time) ...
But more wise TEST IT before paying it with this:
/see inside Read_me file; 460kB stripped, no install/
for example: WD Raptor76 gets drive index of 42.000 points!
If you test it, send me Mail with a result!
BUT if money is no issue, here is another option:
-hardware !!! SCSI Raid controller add on card+
2x 15kRpm SCSI HDs ! (could be faster than that Flash drive, but here
is "dentists drilling" noise of HDs spinning & heat involved, also
longer Post routine, but larger capacity too . (mail me drive index
results if U test!)
Best would be if you could test different setups with that mine Sandra
before buying stuff! Check if can DMA on both & all type of drives be
set & if can, enable it!
I was thinking about it, but I don't know how good is throughput of an IDE
to CompactFlash combo... Do you know?
not so good, around a Mb or 2/s
This down was just mine idea:
This is probably the best solution, don't you think so? It isn't very
expensive either because basically you use RAM as if it were the Flash
drive (although you have to load Windows one time!).
And also using ECC Ram would be a must there too.
Battery duration could be an issue here, there are embeded PC cards
(older ones) with not so demanding CPUs on there ...
Do you have other
recommendations to keep RAM alive, do you know other models of Mobos that
do that?
no, but don´t you think that as common mortals we are dreaming already
now too much? (or ... you really have to much money to throw away ...
in that case I would opt in 2 those biggest solid state disks in Raid0
option ...

(than IMHO CPU would be too slow too boot OS enough fast...)
