My secure dream netbook has following characteristics:
1. All IDs -- such as the MAC addresses [including that of the
wireless adapter] -- are totally dynamic. When the netbook is offed,
these IDs disappear without leaving a trace. When the netbook is
switched on, new IDs are generated. In addition, this netbook uses the
least amount of IDs and timestamps required to operate itself and
access the internet.
2. The only ROM is mask-programmed ROM
3. The only RAM is a hypothetical form of volatile RAM chips in which
all info is completely lost in 100th-of-a-second-or-less after the
netbook is turned-off. Even theoretically there is no way to recover
this data unless one completely re-powers before 100th-of-a-second
after power-off.
4. The OS is installed on ROM chips
5. Chips of the hypothetical RAM listed in #3 substitute for the HDD
6. The radio transmission [used for the wireless internet access] is
unidirectional and can beam the radio signal toward the wi-fi access
point without transmitting in any other direction. This maximum
strength of this transmission is the maximum allowed by law.
7. The clock skew of my system varies such that clock-skew-
fingerprinting would be a totally-useless technique to those trying to
identify my computer.
8. All parts of the netbook -- excluding the radio transmitter,
receiver, and antennas -- are tempest-shielded.
9. There is no malware [e.g. rootkits] installed in any of the ROM
10. These wireless internet access is enhanced using ADF so that it is
easier to locate access points and receive clearer signals from them.
11. The 802.11 nickname is dynamic so that my level of anonymity
Quote from http://billstclair.com/matrix/ar01s03.html :
"The 802.11 Nickname field is a little-known feature of the wireless
spec that sends your hostname to the AP. This is obviously bad."
12. The radio reception is the most sensitive that is physically-
possible for a given size of a receiver, it's antenna, and other
relevant devices.
13. There is absolutely no hint of:
A. ActiveX
B. Internet Explorer
C. Java
D. JavaScript
E. Audio software/hardware
F. Software/hardware for images, graphics, animation, or movies
G. Webcam capability
H. Flash
J. Shockwave
L. Any type of scripting/scripts
M. Any type of mark-up/modeling language.
IOW, this netbook is for word processing only and for
telecommunicating -- through text only -- via the internet. The only
media in this netbook is text. The word processor is similar to Office
XP, except it is word-only.
14. Automatically latches onto wireless internet access points that
are password-free while completely-ignoring the APs that require
passwords for access. This is for the sake of convenience and
15. The browser [which is built into a ROM chip] is text-only and
designed to allow me to communicate to the rest of the cyberworld via
chat rooms that are fully-compatible with the list A to M on #13
16. The wireless adapter is fully-compatible with all the modulations,
standards, channels, protocols, and other specs associated with
wireless internet access.
17. The chat software [which is built into a ROM chip] is fully
compatible with everything in #13. In addition, this chat protocol has
the following characteristics:
A. Does not have any IM/PM capability [when I post my message, I want
everyone in the chat room to see it. In addition, I just hate it when
other chatters PM/IM me.]
B. Is real-time - i.e. I post my message and those in the room can
immediately reply to me.
C. Transmits/receives small amounts of text rapidly - unlike Usenet
which transmits/receives large amounts of text slowly.
D. Uses the least amount of bandwidth, memory, and CPU power.
E. Does not require that I have an email address
F. Does not allow long messages that take up the whole screen.
G. Allows me to copy and paste text into the chat room
H. Others in the chat room can see the text I post even if it is
copied and pasted from somewhere else
What would be the most cost-efficient manner for me to get this
Green Xenon
My secure dream netbook has following characteristics:
1. All IDs -- such as the MAC addresses [including that of the
wireless adapter] -- are totally dynamic. When the netbook is offed,
these IDs disappear without leaving a trace. When the netbook is
switched on, new IDs are generated. In addition, this netbook uses the
least amount of IDs and timestamps required to operate itself and
access the internet.
2. The only ROM is mask-programmed ROM
3. The only RAM is a hypothetical form of volatile RAM chips in which
all info is completely lost in 100th-of-a-second-or-less after the
netbook is turned-off. Even theoretically there is no way to recover
this data unless one completely re-powers before 100th-of-a-second
after power-off.
4. The OS is installed on ROM chips
5. Chips of the hypothetical RAM listed in #3 substitute for the HDD
6. The radio transmission [used for the wireless internet access] is
unidirectional and can beam the radio signal toward the wi-fi access
point without transmitting in any other direction. This maximum
strength of this transmission is the maximum allowed by law.
7. The clock skew of my system varies such that clock-skew-
fingerprinting would be a totally-useless technique to those trying to
identify my computer.
8. All parts of the netbook -- excluding the radio transmitter,
receiver, and antennas -- are tempest-shielded.
9. There is no malware [e.g. rootkits] installed in any of the ROM
10. These wireless internet access is enhanced using ADF so that it is
easier to locate access points and receive clearer signals from them.
11. The 802.11 nickname is dynamic so that my level of anonymity
Quote from http://billstclair.com/matrix/ar01s03.html :
"The 802.11 Nickname field is a little-known feature of the wireless
spec that sends your hostname to the AP. This is obviously bad."
12. The radio reception is the most sensitive that is physically-
possible for a given size of a receiver, it's antenna, and other
relevant devices.
13. There is absolutely no hint of:
A. ActiveX
B. Internet Explorer
C. Java
D. JavaScript
E. Audio software/hardware
F. Software/hardware for images, graphics, animation, or movies
G. Webcam capability
H. Flash
J. Shockwave
L. Any type of scripting/scripts
M. Any type of mark-up/modeling language.
IOW, this netbook is for word processing only and for
telecommunicating -- through text only -- via the internet. The only
media in this netbook is text. The word processor is similar to Office
XP, except it is word-only.
14. Automatically latches onto wireless internet access points that
are password-free while completely-ignoring the APs that require
passwords for access. This is for the sake of convenience and
15. The browser [which is built into a ROM chip] is text-only and
designed to allow me to communicate to the rest of the cyberworld via
chat rooms that are fully-compatible with the list A to M on #13
16. The wireless adapter is fully-compatible with all the modulations,
standards, channels, protocols, and other specs associated with
wireless internet access.
17. The chat software [which is built into a ROM chip] is fully
compatible with everything in #13. In addition, this chat protocol has
the following characteristics:
A. Does not have any IM/PM capability [when I post my message, I want
everyone in the chat room to see it. In addition, I just hate it when
other chatters PM/IM me.]
B. Is real-time - i.e. I post my message and those in the room can
immediately reply to me.
C. Transmits/receives small amounts of text rapidly - unlike Usenet
which transmits/receives large amounts of text slowly.
D. Uses the least amount of bandwidth, memory, and CPU power.
E. Does not require that I have an email address
F. Does not allow long messages that take up the whole screen.
G. Allows me to copy and paste text into the chat room
H. Others in the chat room can see the text I post even if it is
copied and pasted from somewhere else
What would be the most cost-efficient manner for me to get this
Green Xenon