What is the best way to Invoke a java application from ASP.NET



I have created an ASP.NET (VB) website and need to invoke a command
line application (a Java app) when the user submits a form. What is
the best method for approaching this?

I've read about using the Diagnostics.Process class. One user raised
a concern about the security hole this approach creates (because you
have to give the ASPNET user execute permissions). In a dedicated
hosting environment, what kind of risk would be raised by giving the
ASPNET user these permissions?

Scott Allen

Anybody accessing the web server would be able to execute the program
- but it's hard to judge the risk without knowing what the program
does, what it's input and outputs are, etc. I'd also be concerned
about the scalability of the solution - so I'd test with the number of
concurrent users you expect the site to see and make sure the process
doesn't drag the server down.

bruce barker

if your aspx page creates the process and pipe the input/output, then you
will not need to set execute permission in iis. this is the safest way.

-- bruce (sqlwork.com)

John Timney \(Microsoft MVP\)

What I have done in the past is create w indows servie to do the invocation,
using asp to simply gather details for the invocation of the exe using

If both read/write from the same DB then the asp.net app can track and
report progress of the invoked applications output without asp.net requiring
execute permissions.


John Timney
Microsoft Regional Director
Microsoft MVP

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