n said:
Depends on:
your (computer) enviroment,
your priorities and expectations for a virusscanner:
low resources,
auto update
update frequency
ability to scan email
ability to scan archives
abilty for heuristics (finding mutated virusses)
Used for non-profit organisations
allowed with multiple computers at home
Frankly: none have all of the above, and all have some of the above.
I will advice/install AVG (grisoft) most of the time, since you can auto
update it, and most of the users wouldn't be trusted with updating the virus
definitions them selfs, even if it only required one louzy key press.
On the otherhand, I like to include free-av's commandline scanner with every
bootable cd I create. for just in case.
I use NAI's stinger to get rid of most worm dammage.
For businesses I recommend <OT> McAffee Enterprise </OT>
The others have their own strengt and weaknesses.
So it is mostly personal preference.