I just want to know the zone time used by this Discussions web site so I can
calculate the time difference between my country and Microsoft.
Two points:
1. Although you are participating on this newsgroup via the awful
web-based interface to it, let me point out that this is actually a
newsgroup, not a web site. The web-based interface you are using is
the slowest, clunkiest, most error-prone method there is. Do yourself
a favor and switch to a newsreader, such as Outlook Express, which
comes with Windows. See
2. Whether a newsgroup or a web site, it doesn't use any particular
time zone. The times you see on posts are restated in your local time
zone if you use a newsreader. How it works with the web-based
interface, I don't know (nor do I particularly care, since I avoid it
at all costs).