Ørjan Langbakk
I might be buying this one, but I'd like to know what I can put in in
regard to the CPU speed etc.
regard to the CPU speed etc.
Ørjan Langbakk said:I might be buying this one, but I'd like to know what I can put in in
regard to the CPU speed etc.
Ørjan Langbakk said:I might be buying this one, but I'd like to know what I can put in in
regard to the CPU speed etc.
Ørjan Langbakk said:I might be buying this one, but I'd like to know what I can put in in
regard to the CPU speed etc.
P2B rev 1.12 has the same voltage regulator and clock chip as my P2B-S
boards, so should be just as capableIf not, at worst it will be
stable at 133Mhz FSB - I've never met a P2B series board that wasn't.
JK said:It is worth mentioning that the BX chipset of the board sets a limited
range of agp-dividers. The board P2B retains divider 2/3 for agp all
the way up from fsb100.
So at fsb133 the agp is overclocked 33 % and at fsb150 50%. With most
gamer graphics 33 % can be accepted, but 50% demands more carefull
selection of a suited card.
It is indeed best with some fast running ram !