From: <
[email protected]>
| I've never had this.
| Look:
| This one happened to me only two or three days after I re-installed
| (clean install) my XP Pro system.
| Right after I login to my account, before my desktop icons loom up, an
| error popup window says, Can't access mivvx.dll, access denied. Or
| something like that. I click the OK button on this popup and then
| windows proceed to load my desktop just fine.
| I browsed to C:\Windows\System32 and found this perpetrator as shown
| in the PNG image above. My AVG says it is a thread, but was not able
| to heal it.
| Google turns out no hit. Is this something new? Please advise and
| let me know how I can get rid of this bad guy.
| Thanks.
Just becuase Google doesn't turn up anything mean much except the chances of it being
legititimate is low.
Please submit a sample of "mivvx.dll" to Virus Total --http://
The submission will then be tested against many different AV vendor's scanners.
That will give you an idea what it is and who recognizes it. In addition, unless told
otherwise, Virus Total will provide the sample to all participating vendors.
You can also submit a suspect, one at a time, via the following email URL...
[email protected]?subject=SCAN
When you get the report, please post back the exact results.
Here is the result. It looks like it is not a virus.
Complete scanning result of "mivvx.dll", processed in VirusTotal at
03/16/2007 02:00:07 (CET).
[ file data ]
* name: mivvx.dll
* size: 0
* md5.: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
* sha1: da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709
[ scan result ]
AhnLab-V3 2007.3.15.0/20070315 found nothing
AntiVir found nothing
Authentium 4.93.8/20070315 found nothing
Avast 4.7.936.0/20070315 found nothing
AVG found nothing
BitDefender 7.2/20070316 found nothing
CAT-QuickHeal 9.00/20070315 found nothing
ClamAV 0.90.1/20070315 found nothing
DrWeb 4.33/20070315 found nothing
eSafe found nothing
eTrust-Vet 30.6.3481/20070315 found nothing
Ewido 4.0/20070315 found nothing
F-Prot found nothing
F-Secure 6.70.13030.0/20070315 found nothing
FileAdvisor 1/20070316 found [No threat detected]
Fortinet found nothing
Ikarus T3.1.1.3/20070315 found nothing
Kaspersky found nothing
McAfee 4985/20070315 found nothing
Microsoft 1.2306/20070315 found nothing
NOD32v2 2117/20070315 found nothing
Norman 5.80.02/20070315 found nothing
Panda found nothing
Prevx1 V2/20070316 found nothing
Sophos 4.15.0/20070313 found nothing
Sunbelt 2.2.907.0/20070315 found nothing
Symantec 10/20070316 found nothing
TheHacker found nothing
UNA 1.83/20070315 found nothing
VBA32 3.11.2/20070315 found nothing
VirusBuster 4.3.7:9/20070315 found nothing
[ notes ]
Bit9 info: