What is meant by Green IT?

May 19, 2008
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Can anyone help - I have just started working for a publishing company who are going to produce a book around Green it and I don't have much information in this area.

Is anyone out there currently responsible for the IT within a Company and currently considering a Green IT strategy?

Would you know where I can go to get further information around this subject area?

Many thanks for any help.

I'm sorry, I have no idea what it means. :o

However, I do worry when I see "green" attached to anything. It usually means an imminent tax by this present Government. They need no further excuse to introduce a tax on any IT they deem to be non-green. I can just see it now - an enquiry, committees, billions of pounds spent and then - yes, a tax on every PC and IT system in the land. ;)

You read it here first.
Hi, I have found something which might be of interest to you here I hope it will help to get you started :)
Is this enquiry a subtle spam perchance?

In one fell swoop Green IT are on the map on this forum now...
Taffycat said:
Doh! Sorry Flopps :o

Don't be sorry, you're just being your usual helpful self :)

And I'm just being my usual cynical self ;)

What better way to gain a mention for one's company though eh?

Ask about a specific name and somebody will helpfully & kindly link to it.

And I'm always wary of first posts linking - albeit indirectly in this case - to companies.

Usually obvious but as I said, in this case - subtle.

Of course I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
I think you may be wrong Flops - from what I have just researched, the OP is indeed from a company that publishes on IT subjects (I won't mention which one ;) ) - and is definitely not from anything like the GreenIT company TC has linked to :thumb:
Ok, fair do's, I did say I may be wrong and I truly am one cynical bugger.

Let's hope the link has proved helpful :)