What is in your garage?

Feb 6, 2003
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I am having an Autumnal clean out in my house.

The idea is to get all the crap out of my house and stick it in the garage. (I know cheap shot)

We have got lots of stuff in the garage including books, tools, electrical items, garden tools, building materials, cooker gas, fridge, and even big spiders. Mostly full of dust and cobwebs.

There is a lot of stuff in there that when I think about it, I think "No that will come in handy so I am not chucking it away."
But in truth does that stuff really come in handy? Or should we all chuck it away.

Looking in the garage at the end of today I thought to myself "What a MESS."
I feel like dumping it all now, but then that thought returns, know what I mean?

What kind of stuff do you have in your garage??

p.s the room I am sitting in has an ECHO! It feels so strange, not like home right now, but so much space!!!

just your car?

you must get the echo effect!

just your car?

you must get the echo effect!

just your car?

you must get the echo

just your car?

you must get the

just your car?

you must get

just your car?

Sorry couldnt resist it ;)
TD you tart!!! lol

40 years worth,how old r u?

you might be a millionaire potguy get your garage checked
Well... in the not toooo distant future I'll have a 15yo daughter out there... does that count?
After all... I'm quite sure she'll come in handy one day & she is kinda cute :nod:
Gotta finish converting it though so she'll have to wait a couple more months yet.
first thing of all we've gotta get that dingy finished & out of there!
Not to mention the ton of accumulated junk that was left over after trying to fit all my stuff & all John's stuff into what is a ridiculously small (but also very cute) cottage :)
psd99 said:
TD you tart!!! lol

40 years worth,how old r u?

you might be a millionaire potguy get your garage checked

Haha I live in my Gran's house and she has lived here since '58.

I'm not old :eek: :cool:
Pot guy's old, Pot guy's old.... :p :p

My ex-Mother in Law once said to me 'Once anything goes into the attic or the garage it will never ever be used again.

'So you may as well just throw it away now or give it to a charity shop'

She's right, you know.

I have a lockup with stuff in it that's been there twenty years.

I AM gradually getting rid of all of it, but it's SO difficult to sling out that stuff :D
floppybootstomp said:
Pot guy's old, Pot guy's old.... :p :p

My ex-Mother in Law once said to me 'Once anything goes into the attic or the garage it will never ever be used again.

'So you may as well just throw it away now or give it to a charity shop'

She's right, you know.

I have a lockup with stuff in it that's been there twenty years.

I AM gradually getting rid of all of it, but it's SO difficult to sling out that stuff :D

lol, I think my daughter would object to being in the bargins-bin at some op-shop :p
nineteen fifty eight!


I am just thinking about that now potguy
that is a very long time ago!
psd99 said:
nineteen fifty eight!


I am just thinking about that now potguy
that is a very long time ago!

If I could do math then I would have realised it was 50 years, not 40 :p

And Flops you scoundrel, I am not old! Kids these days...:D
well well 50 years is a very long time ago, you are talking close to world war 2!