Did you see the sentence:
"Boards introduced after 1st January, 2003 are OK."
That means the K8V SE can handle anything, and the BIOS 1001
requirement for the P4B533-VM means it is OK to use anything
as well. (I guess I should qualify that a bit. Approval from
Asus means "definitely the Southbridge works". We're not sure
about any add-on controllers also being in the same catagory,
so you may need further evidence that those are OK as well.)
FAQ076 is for boards introduced well before 2003. They abbreviate
the name, so only as many suffix letters as necessary in the
model name, have to match. That saves them making huge lists
of motherboard names.
P2... = P2B, P2B-S, etc.
I think for you, it is clear sailing. If you have WinXP SP1,
it'll be ready to go.
If you need some reading material, visit this site:
Just don't buy a BIOS from them - your motherboard manufacturer
provides those for free. If you have money to burn, it is
better spent on a separate PCI controller card that can also
handle disks larger than 137GB. A separate PCI controller card,
like the Promise Ultra133 TX2, is the solution for older
motherboards needing large IDE disks. Adding a SATA controller
card, might also work for older boards (it depends on whether
the BIOS is in the right mood to "see" the card).
I'm not aware of any issues with SATA. This doc says SATA
incorporates the ATA-6 spec, which is the same spec that
introduced UATA 133 operation and 48 bit LBA. That is why
I can recommend the Promise Ultra133 TX2 card. Maybe if
the PDC20378 also supports 133 operation, that would make
it OK as well. I suppose the fact that it has SATA ports,

There are some Ultra100 products that also support
large disks, as long as they run a recent enough version
of their firmware. (So, you can buy Ultra100 PCI controllers
for the job, but you need to do some Googling first, to
see what firmware is needed.)