What Is Facebook For?


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
I liked this. :D


Why did the creator of WhatsApp leave Facebook? Apparently because he disagrees with the way that Facebook shares it's user's data. He says that Facebook is planning on making some changes to WhatsApp that will break it's privacy features. So what was the point of buying WhatsApp just so you can undo all their hard work? I bet it's for marketing purposes.
I'm worried about Whatsapp, I use it all the time. if Facebook **** it up and I have to go elsewhere I will not be happy.

I don't trust that guy at all, I mean, just look at him!

I first saw that meme at least 5 years ago but yes, it's true isn't it? I use Faceache and the female of the species seems to particularly favour posting pictures of their next spot of tuck. Even stuff like pie and mash with liquor. Yuk.

No, not the actual pie and mash, that's yum, but a picture of it? Not the most appetising thing in the world.

Over time one becomes aware of what people are obsessed with - their dog or other pet; their weight; their hobby or sport, especially marathon runners; the band they play in, the list goes on. Myself, I post jolly interesting pictures of my crochet work :)
I have, yes. But its not just me that I'll have to convince to move. its like everyone else I know! :fool:
Ugh. I'm tempted to go old school and just use text messages from now on. It's nice having group chats though...

I understand that companies have got to make money somehow. I just wish they'd give users a choice - either you buy the app, or they show you adverts, or they sell your data. I'd happily take one of the first two options if it meant my data wasn't being sold!