What is csrss.exe?

  • Thread starter Thread starter JamesJ
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Sorry if I replied twice but I can't 'see' my reply.
You're telling me to replace csrss.exe with the same file
from my Vista Home Basic disk?
A virus scan reported no viruses in csrss.exe


In what scenario are you getting this error to show. In Vista there is no csrss.exe.
This you will find it in XP and W2K3 only . Apart from that depending in the
scenario it is a Ahlem. A worm otherwise known as csrss.exe
I see this in Task Manager|Processes. When I right clicked
on it and select 'End Process' my system rebooted and displayed
the bad shut down screen. Now I don't have any options when
I right click other than 'Perform Administrative Tasks'
I'm using Vista Home Basic sp1.

JamesJ said:
I was just curious why the web site says that it is regitered as
a Trojan?

Because "csrss.exe" is a name. Nothing more.
More than one program/file can use that name
Good programs can use that name, such as, for example, a Microsoft Windows
Bad programs can use that name too, such as, for example, a trojan horse

A name means very little. Whether it's in the correct location and properly
"signed" by a legitimate vendor is much more important than what name the
file happens to have.


Rob Moir said:
Because "csrss.exe" is a name. Nothing more.
More than one program/file can use that name
Good programs can use that name, such as, for example, a Microsoft Windows
Bad programs can use that name too, such as, for example, a trojan horse

A name means very little. Whether it's in the correct location and
properly "signed" by a legitimate vendor is much more important than what
name the file happens to have.

pacinitaly said:
I have vista 32 sp1
I show the process 2x

|Filename: Capture.JPG |
|Download: http://www.vistax64.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=12679|

Client Service Runtime Process


Bruce Chambers

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The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot
Thanks much,

Michael D. Ober said:
My Vista Ultimate x86 (32 bit) has the file c:\windows\system32\csrss.exe.
It's been a core component of the Windows desktop since at least Windows
2000. I have also seen references to csrss.exe flagged as a trojan
program on some web-sites. A google search just now reports that only
AuditMyPC.com is reporting it as a virus. Given that AuditMyPC.com
doesn't seem to know that this file is part of Windows, I would strongly
advice avoiding this site.

Mike Ober.
As you found out you cannot rely on answers on the newsgroup as gospel. Also
any site that says a name is a Trojan with an offer to download it's
software to fix the problem is a Trojan in itself just trying to sell you
their software.
That, I believe!


Woody said:
As you found out you cannot rely on answers on the newsgroup as gospel.
Also any site that says a name is a Trojan with an offer to download it's
software to fix the problem is a Trojan in itself just trying to sell you
their software.
I just purchased a new laptop from Dell and the disk light is continually
flashing. I looked using "task manager" and this program is responsible for
99% of the disk reads when the system is just sitting there. Can you tell me
what it does and can it be re-configured to reduce the disk reads?