What if you had one day to change the world with music?


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
What if you had one day to change the world with music?

Have you ever given a thought to that? Now is the time to do just that! Yes, your participation is all that is needed by showing your support to "Playing for change.org"

All you need to do is to spread the word around by letting your friends and family know about this great cause. Buy the wonderful music that they have to offer, sung with heart and soul and passion few paid singers can convey. Check it out, the music I assure you will revitalize your soul.

The cause

The songs

How it is put together

Playing for change on youtube



An excellent cause Quad, and some very good sounds too!

I hope you won't mind if I add that the CD/DVD is also available to buy in the UK. :thumb:

It can be pre-ordered from HMV: http://hmv.com/hmvweb/displayProductDetails.do?sku=180179

Or Asda: http://www.asda-entertainment.co.uk/cd/various-artists/playing-for-change-volume-2/10492688.html

Or as an immediate MP3 download from Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/PFC-Songs-A...3YAA/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1313947927&sr=8-2

Thank you for those links, quick thinking on your part. Your input in the shape of those links will help with the cause. :bow:
So when I'm face to face with the big bearded Taliban man toting an AK47 if I break into a chorus of koom-bi-ya will he hug me?

Watch out, watch out! Charity Mugger alert! :eek:

Just kidding, just kidding please don't throw cream flans at me.....

A worthy cause sir :)
Just ordered a couple of CD/DVD's as I like hard copies. Great cause and I am on their mailing list now. As for FBS remarks I guess you hit the big bearded Taliban man toting an AK47 with your guitar:lol:
Just ordered a couple of CD/DVD's as I like hard copies. Great cause and I am on their mailing list now.

A very nice gesture indeed! :bow:

I am sure you will enjoy the music for a long time to come :dance:
Here is an interview with the Grammy award winning Producer and Engineer Mark Johnson of the Project Playing for Change.

Another interview discussing the finer details of the project and the movement that has been created because of it.

Very worthy cause Quad. The world needs more people like Mark Johnson. Kind of get's one thinking and I guess that's a good starting point. Thanks for sharing this.
Thank you Hippie49 for your comments, yes we sure need more people with the kind of philosophy Mark Johnson has.
I just wish that people would stop killing each other, and realise we are all brothers and sisters no matter what ever colour, creed or nationality. All the major religions preach love, peace, tolerance and respect for others, so why cannot we just do the simple thing, if we did there would be on more famine, wars etc and we would have no more grieving families for the loss of loved ones because of man's stupidity. My sincere wishes to all those who lost loved ones in the 9/11 attack on the WTC 10 years ago.
IF there were other creatures viewing us with a view to letting us join their Country Club, I'd say we still have a long way to go cos as species go they figure we've only just about climbed out of the primeval ooze.

Religion, wars, gangs, Saturday night rucks down the pub, football, religion, wars and, of course, financial gain.

Hello, I'm Mr Civilised, nice to meetcha.