What i think of WMM

  • Thread starter Thread starter Oliver
  • Start date Start date


Damn Microsoft, you've really cocked it up this time
haven't you.

I've pretty much lost the plot with this worthless piece
of c%*£ you call a Movie Editor. It just crashes all the

If you're not going to put much effort into your
software, for the benefit of everyone else, DONT RELEASE

Phew, glad I'm got that off my chest

Hi there,

Thanks for your comments, we are all having a good laugh....at the person
who cannot get his computer to work and who's only reaction is to cast the
type of remarks that you have...now go away little boy.....

I have been using Movie Maker for a month know and have not experienced any
problems in the application functioning at all, only user problems!!

You will see that other people have had trouble with it but they have had
the decency and politeness to put there problems down in a little more
constructive way than yourself.

1000's and 1000's of people use MM and if the amount of people that post
problems on here is a view of what is out there then it looks like less than
1% of people have problems with it. Maybe it is your machine that is the

I am one of the first people to slag of Microsoft at times due to there so
often flaky realeases that rely on patch's etc and thats coming from me a
MCSE so you would think I am a Micosoft convert.

Why not tell us what is actually happening as there are people on here who
will help, in particular PappaJohn and John Kelly.

Guys please don't take Olivers comments to heart as I would like to thank
you for the help that you have given me over the las few weeks.


John Kelly said:
Hi there,

Thanks for your comments, we are all having a good laugh....at the person
who cannot get his computer to work and who's only reaction is to cast the
type of remarks that you have...now go away little boy.....
Not sure should it?


tried your mail again guess it is one you have just entered to stop spam as
it bounced straight back.


John Kelly said:
I should have said Simon...does the name John or Mark Smith ring a bell.....

I thought you were around on that one.....he had an awful lot to say, all
of it quite stupid, exactly the same style as "Oliver" He blamed everyone
and everything for his own failures, he then compounded it by telling
straight lies and still maintaining that it was Microsoft responsibility to
sort the issues with Sony. Whilst making these grand and glorious
statements about everyone else's failure he put his foot straight in it as
it were and revealed that he did not really have a clue about his own
camera and how it should be set up....he did this to the point where, if I
was not retired, I would be inviting him to answer one or two more serious
questions on his ownership of the camera...no one, but no one is that
stupid, it begged the question where was the manual?

Anyway, one or two did try to help,including myself in the very early
stages, but when he became abusive I decided enough was enough.

Yes, by the way, the publicly shown email address is actually valid, but it
is set to bounce everything. If you kept one of my direct emails to you,
then you will have my "proper" address.
On a more serious note:

Lots of people have been able to get the product to work
at least reasonably well. I would suggest the if you are
experiencing crashes that you need to look at some of the
support information available.

Personally, I have had a reasonable experience with the
product, and *if* I can get my one issue with audio
glitches on DV quality output during transitions sorted
out, it'll be a product that I'll be really happy with.

So - Have a look at the support information available on
www.papajohn.org and see if you are able to get it
running. Send genuine questions to the newsgroup. Try
thinking about your problem rather than just yelling...

Certainly, coming here and shouting about it won't help...

By the way, you might like to take a stroll through
alt.flame if all you are looking to do is start a
fight... ;)

Good Job Oliver, I am a certified tech and I had success
with movie maker in the past. howerver microsoft says it
is backwards compatable. (Lies) I will explain microsofts
stand on this. when they create a driver for a device they
make the first half of the code. it is up to the video
maker for example ati to make the second half to work with
your system. The problem is microsoft will support your
driver if the company pays them money. Yes you are right
when you say it is a peice of ****. But the Techs are also
right due to the fact it is usually video or sound issues.
I agree it is microsofts problem to get more patches out
there. they tend to release stuff before it is ready....
directx 9 for example. Dont pay any attention to the techs
shooting you down for being honest. They are not
professional and have no experience with people because
you are allowed to vent. Thank You for the Input . It
takes input like yours to make Microsoft fix things. I
personaly use virtual vcr works awsome.good luck.. Man
I got it working first time and never had any of the problems that have been
described in this group other than the one that you mention, Nathan, which I
understand has not been solved yet.

I found MM2 to be an excellent introduction to non-linear editing. It
really eased me into it gently without confusing me from the outset - and
it's free! It's set me up to tackle something more complex, such as
Premiere, with confidence. I'm now using Premiere instead of MM2, but
without MM2 I doubt I'd have tried it.

If I work hard to create something then give it away as a gift, the last
thing I expect in return is abuse.

Did it occur to the original poster that it may be other poorly-written
software co-existing on his PC that is contributing to the crash? Or to
check whether all his hardware is on the Microsoft HCL? If the software was
a piece of rubbish as the OP suggests then none of us would be using it.

Hello there,

I used to be a certified systems engineer and software engineer ... I do not
have either certificate any more...I stopped paying the subscription ! I do
however have several degrees, all of them either in or related to I. T. I am
the author of a software package now eleven years old, which still sells for
£1,000.000 per copy and is sold to Police Forces in the USA, the UK and
Aus....and none of that has anything to do with not getting your computer to
work correctly! Neither does it add any weight to what I say or what you

In general, Microsoft DO NOT write drivers. Other companies write the
drivers using a knowledge base they paid for. To get it tested they have to
pay money...if they don't pay, they don't get a certificate. And if they
have not paid, and you put their software on your computer, who is the Mug
?? Its a little bit like, lets say you own two vehicles, one runs on Diesel
and the other Petrol...you go to the filing station and you put the wrong
fuel in your vehicle....you will be able to drive away, but pretty quickly
you will start to have problems. Now in those circumstances, would you blame
the Garage...not likely, would you blame the company that made the fuel? (in
America you might), or would you blame yourself for not paying attention and
being stupid enough to put the wrong thing into your vehicle....So, there
you are with your now broken down vehicle, what do you expect to happen? The
fuel company will laugh at you if you tell them to come and fix it, but
surely you would not be so stupid as to ask them...would you??? Would you
expect the filling station to come out to you for free of course..I should
have said that. Well NO do you think they are stupid??? So having reached
this far...what is it you were saying??

Now then, Shooting you down for being honest? What are you talking about? A
guy has installed on his system software that conflicts with a certified
product, or he does not have the right software installed. So instead of
fixing the issue, or asking for help, he shouts his mouth off, and that
makes him honest does it????

And, "they are not professional" Really ?? Well, Having been the Advisor to
Two Governments, UK and Aus on matters I. T. together with a few commercial
companies one of which won a "Best Practices Award" from a Government Agency
because of the software I wrote for them, I could just take offence at your
remarks. Instead though, I will put it down as someone who is throwing
around remarks in an attempt at making himself look more knowledgeable
perhaps or maybe just to make himself feel good. Either way, it added
nothing to the augument.

And, "Thank You for the Input . It takes input like yours to make
Microsoft fix things", Oh come on, I thought we had covered this....but I
will say it in a slightly different way if you like, "If your machine is not
working because you put incompatible software on it, TOUGH"...let me give
you another clue...My machine has not been rebooted because of a failure in
months...and the failure that caused me to have to reboot it then was of my
own making....how do I get to have such a stable machine??? Well, go figure
it out...the clue is above.
Hi there,

Sorry, I made a boo boo, I [posted a reply to you that was meant for
someone else...My apologies.
Hi Jake,

As you will see, I made that point in a reply to someone else.

Newsgroups are a great place...I have leant a lot because of them, and over
the years I have to admit that I have become quite intolerant of people who
like to throw around remarks that if they had the wisdom to sit and think
about just for a moment or two, they would never post because they are so
obviously wrong. Few of those type of people realise that if just one
exception to their remarks exist, then their remarks are wrong (I could
word that better, sure you know what I mean) and if there remarks were as
true as they would have you believe then newsgroups like this would not
exist, websites like www.papajohn.org would not exist and all for one good
reason...no one would be using the software.
Hi John

One of my first ports of call for troubleshooting is Google Groups rather
than the MS support site, such is my faith in Usenet and the people who take
the time and trouble to share their experiences. People who post
non-constructive rubbish doesn't help me when I'm trawling through the

It may be wise for some people to remember that helpful people like yourself
and PapaJohn are here through your own choice... Mind you, in fairness to
the OP he wasn't directing his frustration at anyone in particular, but on
the other hand there was nothing to be gained or achieved by it. It has
started an interesting thread about the netiquette of this NG though!


John Kelly said:
Hi Jake,

As you will see, I made that point in a reply to someone else.

Newsgroups are a great place...I have leant a lot because of them, and over
the years I have to admit that I have become quite intolerant of people who
like to throw around remarks that if they had the wisdom to sit and think
about just for a moment or two, they would never post because they are so
obviously wrong. Few of those type of people realise that if just one
exception to their remarks exist, then their remarks are wrong (I could
word that better, sure you know what I mean) and if there remarks were as
true as they would have you believe then newsgroups like this would not
exist, websites like www.papajohn.org would not exist and all for one good
reason...no one would be using the software.