What have I done !! Oh deary me.


Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
There is just no hope for me. I'm a gadget addict and need help.

So I got a bit behind with me finance housekeeping. Big bills came unexpectedly and the credit crunch an all. I found that I was paying £60 in interest on me credit card. Not a good situation for a bloke that only gets £84 a week to live on. Rang round a few weeks ago looking for decent transfer rates, no joy. So I gave one card a last try and whoooopeee I got 0% till Dec 2009. Cost me £62.50 in fees but that means that I have 11 months left interest free, so all in all a good deal. With no major outgoings I should be able to clear that by next Dec all being well.

So I thought I'd mini splurge on some goodies to celebrate.

Big mistake to have a smoke and then go shopping. I ended up with,



Mouse mat. I have never had a mouse mat before and this sounded and looked so cool,:eek:


Gaming Pad, shame the keys are not backlit, oh well never mind,


All the above compliment each other as the Dominatrix is a rebadged Cyber mouse I think. Should look coooooooooool when I get them all set up.:D

Camera remote, need this as there is no function for a cable remote and pics suffer skake when firing with the button on the camera mounted on a tripod. Yes I did really need this.:rolleyes:


Underwater housing for camera, well it does rain a lot in the Lakes.:rolleyes:


So as you can see I need help, all sugestions will be give due consideration as me situation is desperate.

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IMO - Cut up your cards and learn to say 'NO'.
Get a better/second job... get any unused gadgets on ebay..
Get into something that only costs you effort... running is a good example.. :D
itsme :thumb:

Whiz I think it is great thats why I ordered it duh
I'll post a review when it has arrived and I have used it for a while.

AK cut up my cards :eek: Had 14 operations on me legs an thems is not working so well. So can not do a full job never mind a second.Thems not gadgets I ordered thems is nececities. :rolleyes:

From me amblance and community voulentry driving that takes up three short days I banked £687 and £164 last month, there is petrol to pay out of that along with othere car expenses but I still end up with some pocket money out of it. :D
TBH mate thats a bit stooopid,

Why when you have been able to switch your credit card and aren't paying any interest, using the extra £60 you save to pay it off instead of buying more stuff???

You will end up in the same situation at the end of the year or possibly worse.

You asked, you got, nice purchases BTW.
Abarbarian said:
itsme :thumb:

Whiz I think it is great thats why I ordered it duh
I'll post a review when it has arrived and I have used it for a while.

lol, look forward to seeing the review.
WF I paid of over £2000.00 in the last 6 months so I thought I deserved a treat or two. Besides Money and me have a strange relationship and I have learnt never to let it bother me. Things always work out in the end.

Urmas Who me !

Abarbarian said:
I found that I was paying £60 in interest on me credit card.

This is for anybody that has a credit card really....When you are been charged high interest because you have used a fare bit of your credit and might not be meeting the monthly payments, or even if you think you might not be able to meet the payment that month..Give your credit card company a call and tell them you are hving financial difficulties...By law if you make them an offer to pay back 3% of what is owed on the card monthly they cannot charge you any interest on that card until such time as you have paid what is owed..They will try and say you need to pay back at least 10%, but thats just them trying to get more money out of you....3% is what the law says...
Interesting madxgraphics got ant links for that info as I have never heard about this before and would like to read up on it. Ta.
Abarbarian said:
Interesting madxgraphics got ant links for that info as I have never heard about this before and would like to read up on it. Ta.

I'll try find some links for you, but if you read your Credilt card Terms its pretty much written out on there...Will post back in a bit with some links..
Ta Madx in the five years IO have been using credit cards it never occured to me to read the small print. Mind you 99%of that time I have been on the 0% special offers so never had the need to.

Just dont pay it...

Mr Brown throws Billions at the banks ...then the Tw*ts still scr*w us..

dont worry...just buy British :)
Now if the banks were privatised and all them charges went back to the coffers and gave me a tax refund ..then i would`nt rant so much...
Fat Cats and expensive bonus`s and meals...:mad: