What happened to .....

  • Thread starter Thread starter jona
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Hi, Jona.

They left it out! :>(

They brought it back in WinXP, but there is no msconfig.exe in Win2K. Many
users have reported that the WinXP version works fine in Win2K, if you can
find a copy somewhere, although you may have to barge past some warning

Hi, Phil.

I hadn't noticed, but my WinXP Pro also has msconfig.exe in that path under
PCHealth. As you said, it works from the Run prompt, but not from a "DOS"
window Command Prompt. Curious.

I also have msconfig.chm in \WinNT\Help, and msconfig.dll in
\WinNT\system32. (Since I upgraded from Win2K to WinXP, my boot folder is
\WinNT, not \Windows.) And there are copies of both msconfig.exe and
msconfig.dll in \WinNT\ServicePackFiles\I386.

Maybe that will help you track down why msconfig runs from Run but not from
Command Prompt.

R. C. White said:
Hi, Phil.

I hadn't noticed, but my WinXP Pro also has msconfig.exe in that path under
PCHealth. As you said, it works from the Run prompt, but not from a "DOS"
window Command Prompt. Curious.

I also have msconfig.chm in \WinNT\Help, and msconfig.dll in
\WinNT\system32. (Since I upgraded from Win2K to WinXP, my boot folder is
\WinNT, not \Windows.) And there are copies of both msconfig.exe and
msconfig.dll in \WinNT\ServicePackFiles\I386.

Maybe that will help you track down why msconfig runs from Run but not from
Command Prompt.

Not really. The Command Prompt (cmd.exe) only searches the path environment
variable. The Run command from Explorer.exe obviously searches other
locations, but I don't have time to find out what those other locations are.
It is intriguing, though! :-)

Philip D. Barila Windows DDK MVP
Seagate Technology, LLC
(720) 684-1842
As if I need to say it: Not speaking for Seagate.
E-mail address is pointed at a domain squatter. Use reply-to instead.
Phil Barila said:
Just move it to Winnt or Winnt\System32. Unless you've been twiddling your
path to point to dllcache, you don't have the thing anywhere the system can
find it. Winnt & Winnt\System32 are both on the path by default.

Yup, you're right. In XP the file resides in the \dllcache folder so that's
I put it on the W2K machine. I just moved it to the \system32 folder and it
pops up with the regular run command. Thanks for your help.
As an aside, on my Windows XP system, msconfig resides in:

On mine too, but W2K doesn't have a ....\PCHealth\... path, so
I ignored that little detail.

For what it's worth, the Win98 msconfig file doesn't point to the right
when calling the various ini and config files. All it ends up displaying is
startup menu.
jona said:
Yup, you're right. In XP the file resides in the \dllcache folder so that's
I put it on the W2K machine. I just moved it to the \system32 folder and it
pops up with the regular run command. Thanks for your help.

Glad it worked. Dllcache is one of the Windows System File Protection
backup locations. You copied the backup file. It should be the same as the
version in PCHealth, but PCHealth would be the preferred location to copy
from in most cases.

Philip D. Barila Windows DDK MVP
Seagate Technology, LLC
(720) 684-1842
As if I need to say it: Not speaking for Seagate.
E-mail address is pointed at a domain squatter. Use reply-to instead.