The McAfee EoL site indicates...
"Future releases of VirusScan will support Windows NT 4 and greater." -- Too bad NT4 is
already a dead product !
V7.1E is good but in some ways it sucks.
Problems with v7.1
- No longer interprets VSC files <-- { this is very irritating and is a BIG mistake ! }
- Overzealous in reporting and alerting. Like I really need to know when the workstation
service is started or stopped or when Outlook 2002 is started and the following crap is
4/2/2004 3:37 PM On-Delivery E-mail Scan Started
4/2/2004 3:42 PM Scan Complete
All I need logged is virus events !
- Can't find a way to run a scheduled scan invisibly
- Cant tell SCAN32.exe on the command line where to log
I'd like to use v4.5.1 with WinXP Pro a bit longer but I have run into a bug with XP that I
don't experience with Win2K and I have been recently mandated to replace Win2K with WinXP on
*all* desktops and notebooks. I was hoping the SP2 HotFix would address the bug.
| David H. Lipman wrote:
| > I have documentation that v4.5.1 SP2 was to be released at the end of '03 to the
| > of '04.
| >
| > Was SP2 released ?
| >
| > Dave
| >
| >
| Not sure it is going to be released...
| June 30 2005: All Platforms Windows 95/98/WinME/NT/2000/XP
| Summary:
| * This memo supercedes all previously published information.
| * The End of Life for support of all platforms, Windows 95, Windows
| 98, and Windows ME platforms is 30 June 2005.
| * VirusScan 4.5.1 SP1 is the last commercial anti-virus release
| that will support the Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows ME operating
| systems.*
| * The current VirusScan release - VirusScan Enterprise 7.0 -
| supports Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4 and an array of
| Microsoft server operating systems but does not support Windows 95,
| Windows 98, and Windows ME.
| Details:
| Product: VirusScan 4.5.1 SP1 is the last version that will support the
| Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows ME operating systems. Future
| releases of VirusScan will support Windows NT 4 and greater.
| In order to provide AV protection for Win95/98/ME workstations while
| customers migrate to newer operating systems, VirusScan 4.5.1 SP1
| support will be maintained until 30 June 2005. The EOL date for
| VirusScan 4.5.1 SP1 for Windows 95, Windows 98, WinME and all other
| platforms is 30 June 2005.
| Support for VirusScan 4.5.1 SP1 up until June 2004 will include
| Technical Support, bug fixes as needed, and/or additional service packs
| as needed. Feature enhancements (new capabilities never provided before)
| will not be added to VirusScan 4.5.1. Between June 2004 and the final
| EOL date (June 2005) support for VirusScan 4.5.1 will consist of testing
| with DATs and engines only. * This announcement covers plans for
| commercial McAfee Security anti-virus products only (those described on
| and does not make any statements regarding McAfee retail products (those
| described on nor McAfee anti-virus managed
| services (those described on
| McAfee will provide for the availability of a Custom Support option for
| VirusScan 4.5.1 SP1 users beyond June 30, 2005. The plan outlined below
| will provide you with data on what you can expect from McAfee Security
| relative to the Custom Support option.
| Lifecycle Milestones:
| End of Sale: 30 June, 2004
| End of Full Service Support (EOS): 30 June, 2005
| Custom Support Availability: 1 July, 2005 through 30 June, 2006
| Details:
| * McAfee's support policy is N-1 product versions. With the release
| of VirusScan 7.5 in June 2004, the supported versions of VirusScan
| Enterprise will be VirusScan Enterprise 7.0 w/MSP or VirusScan
| Enterprise 7.1 and VirusScan Enterprise 7.5. VirusScan 4.5.1 SP1 will
| cease to be a current version as of 30 June, 2004.
| * VirusScan 4.5.1 SP1 will continue to be supported with .DATs,
| engines, and technical support through 30 June, 2005. McAfee will
| continue to support current customers who choose to use VirusScan 4.5.1
| SP1 through a Custom Support arrangement. Customers requesting support
| coverage for VirusScan 4.5.1 SP1 between 1 July, 2005 and 30 June, 2006
| will be able to acquire the support through an uplift to their current
| support contract.
| * Custom support will provide best effort workarounds, .DAT file
| and engine testing.
| Uplift pricing is yet to be determined.